Re: nordvpn login error
Nord has kind of lost it's way lately.
Did you ever try
nordvpn login --legacy
## Or
nordvpn login --username username --password password
I don't know what you mean or did when you say "tried everything dude"
EDIT: There's a better way and it supports MFA, which you should have anyway.
After you do the normal login on the browser after following the link on the CLI after doing nordvpn login, cancel out of the "Open with" popup, and copy the link that is assigned to the "Continue" link, under the message saying "You've successfully logged in" (should be a nordvpn:// link).
Then do nordvpn login --callback "nordvpn://link" and it should log you in.
NordVPN should document this on the callback page, place the callback URL in visible text, with a copy button, etc... like most other OAuth workflows.
Last edited by 1fallen2; 2 Weeks Ago at 06:11 PM.
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