I have been in the process of building a diy server for my house, built out of mostly office windows machines with a few old but functional parts from my current pc. I am installing ubuntu server (version 24.04 LTS, using version 24.08.1 of the installer) but I cannot get it to fully install.
I'm able to go through all the installation process (setting up the root user, choosing keyboard layout, connecting to ethernet and wifi, etc.) but once all that is done (the last step i see is choosing to include popular snap apps) it just kinda, gets stuck on a screen that says:
if i select the option that allows me to view the full log of the installer, it doesn't show any output, almost like its just not doing anything.
im able to get into the installer shell, though i dont really know what i can do from there. the target directory, which the installer says is what should contain the fresh installation if it has already started, is completely empty
the motherboard comes from a dell desktop, and therefore it uses a Dell bios, but as far as I can tell this shouldn't be causing any issues that I havent already resolved.
any and all possible solutions welcome, i really am stumped here and just want to get this thing working