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Thread: Unable to upgrade from 22.10 to 24.04LTS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Unable to upgrade from 22.10 to 24.04LTS

    I am trying to do the upgrade. When I click on the Upgrade Now button, it starts to download two files, but after that the download window disappears and there is no further action.
    Please suggest the solution.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    melbourne, au
    Lubuntu Development Release

    Re: Unable to upgrade from 22.10 to 24.04LTS

    Ubuntu 22.10 had a single intended upgrade path, which was to the next release being Ubuntu 23.04, however that path closed with Ubuntu 23.04 went EOL

    The official EOL Upgrades doc is , but be aware you're too late for the automated path, so it maybe more work than just backing up data & performing a clean install then restoring your data.

    Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, or Ubuntu 23.10 have supported upgrade paths to 24.04 LTS; ie. to 24.04 specific upgrade page is , where the only upgrade doc mentioning 22.10 is (or 23.04 upgrade path).


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