The two things people don't want on their PC, Microsoft's Recall and CoPilot... and it's the two things that are going to become mandatory for Windows.

I truly think Microsoft has become the reigning world champion on how to boil a frog...

One freedom snipped away bit by bit, and then replace with the exact opposite, bit by bit.

Ignorance is no longer the enemy... not by itself. The lemming in the middle of the pack may not know the leader of the pack is running toward a cliff... however, once he becomes aware of the problem... how does he get out of the middle of the pack? This is a form of forced cooperation, where the person buying the computer (or OS) has no idea what they are actually getting themselves into!

Tim: "Hey Bob. Did you realize that your computer has an AI program on it, with direct connection to the internet? Did you also know that your computer also records everything you do in a giant file on your hard drive, wasting space and keeping tons of personal data?"

Bob: "No, I didn't."

Tim: "You should probably get a new operating system, if you don't like what this one does in the background."

Bob: "Well... I don't know... I can't play Destiny 2, so..."

Tim: "So?"

Bob: "So, I'd rather have Microsoft spy on me, take my personal information, and run AI on my desktop than not be able to play Destiny 2."

Tim: "Don't you value your personal privacy?"

Bob: "Of course, but I still need compatibility with Microsoft Office and Games."

Tim: "What's the cost?"

Bob: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Tim: "What does it cost to keep compatibility?"

Bob: "Oh, Windows came free with my new computer."

Tim: "That's not what I meant. What you are saying is that the cost of playing games and using Microsoft Office is your privacy."