dear community
i run a thinkpad with a linux
the notebook has got 4 g of ram
i have created a SWAP file: see below what i have done:;
[martin@martin-4243f53 ~]$ sudo swapon --show
[sudo] Passwort für martin:
/swapfile file 1,9G 0B -2
question; How to adjust the swappiness value: do i need to use the swappiness-option:
note: Swappiness is a Linux kernel property - a option that may help here: swapiness defines how often the system will use the swap space.
well do you think that i need Swappiness to improve the behavior:
swapiness - friends told me that it can have a value between 0 and 100. A low value will make the kernel to try to avoid swapping whenever possible,
while a higher value will make the kernel to use the swap space more aggressively.
The default swappiness value is told to be somewhat like 60. Friends told me that i can check the current swappiness value by typing the following command:
[martin@martin-4243f53 ~]$ cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
Für weitere Einzelheiten siehe free(1).
[martin@martin-4243f53 ~]$ sudo free -h
[sudo] Passwort für martin:
gesamt benutzt frei gemns. Puffer/Cache verfügbar
Speicher: 3,7Gi 2,3Gi 560Mi 316Mi 1,4Gi 1,4Gi
Swap: 1,9Gi 0B 1,9Gi
[martin@martin-4243f53 ~]$
well over all - what do you say - what can i do to get a good performance!?
any and all idas are wellcome
look forward !