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Thread: Errors during upgrade from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to 24.04.1 LTS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    Errors during upgrade from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to 24.04.1 LTS

    I got an error concerning Thunderbird update. Later there was a message that the upgrade was stopped and finally a message that the upgrade was finished completely but that there have been errors. I try to add the printscreens of the messages, but I am not sure that it works - so I add the messages here, too (sorry, but they are in German):
    Message 1:
    "/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-NuOqNW/03-thunderbird_2%3a1snap1-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb" konnte nicht installiert werden"
    Die Systemaktualisierung wird fortgesetzt, aber das Paket "/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-NuOqNW/03-thunderbird_2%3a1snap1-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb" könnte sich in einem nicht funktionsfähigen Zustand befinden. Bitte ziehen Sie in Betracht, diesen Fehler zu melden.
    "neues thunderbird-Skript des Paketes pre-installation"-Unterprozess gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück

    Message 2:
    Die Aktualisierungen konnten nicht installiert werden
    Die Systemaktualisierung wurde abgebrochen. Ihr System könnte sich in einem nicht verwendbaren Zustand befinden. Eine Wiederherstellung wird gestartet ("dpkg --configure -a").

    Message 3:
    Systemaktualisierung wurde abgeschlossen
    Die Systemaktualisierung wurde vollständig abgeschlossen, jedoch traten während der Systemaktualisierung Fehler auf.

    What I did afterwards:
    I rebooted the system. Afterwards I used the following commands:
    sudo apt-get check => it found thunderbird-locale-de

    sudo apt --fix-broken install

    sudo apt autoremove => to delete the packages not longer needed

    It seemes that the thunderbird (snap) installation went OK - even if Thunderbird after boot today wanted me to configure a first email account, starting again Thunderbird everything seems to be OK.


    sudo apt autoremove => there was a warning:

    Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of systemd-binfmt.
    service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.

    so I did:
    systemctl daemon-reload

    During the actions some folder are not deleted because they haven't been empty - I have to have a special look...:

    dpkg: Warnung: Altes Verzeichnis »/etc/thunderbird« kann nicht gelöscht werden:
    Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer
    dpkg: Warnung: Altes Verzeichnis »/etc/apport/native-origins.d« kann nicht gelös
    cht werden: Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer
    dpkg: Warnung: Altes Verzeichnis »/etc/apport/blacklist.d« kann nicht gelöscht w
    erden: Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer
    dpkg: Warnung: Während Entfernens von fonts-lato ist Verzeichnis »/usr/share/fon
    ts/truetype/lato« nicht leer, wird daher nicht gelöscht

    Big question: Is there something left to do to finish the upgrade?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Errors during upgrade from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to 24.04.1 LTS

    Translation from the Firefox translate button:
    I got an error concerning Thunderbird update. Later was a message that the upgrade was stopped and finally a message that the upgrade was finished completely but that there have been been errors. I try to add the printscreens of the messages, but I am not sure that it works - so I add the messages here, too (sorry, but they are in German):
    Message 1:
    "/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-NuOqNW/03-thunderbird-2%3a1snap1-0ubuntu3-amd64.deb" could not be installed"
    The system update continues, but the package "/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-NuOqNW/03-thunderbird-2%3a1snap1-0ubuntu3-amd64.deb" may be in a non-functional state. Please consider reporting this error.
    "New thunderbird script of the pre-installation underprocess package returned the error value 1

    Message 2:
    The updates could not be installed
    The system update was canceled. Your system may be in unsuitable condition. A recovery is started ("dpkg --configure -a").

    Message 3:
    System update has been completed
    The system update was completely completed, but errors occurred during the system update.

    What I did afterwards:
    I rebooted the system. Afterwards I used the following commands:
    sudo apt-get check > it found thunder's locale-de

    sudo apt --fix-broken install

    sudo apt autoremove > to delete the packages not longer neededed

    It seemes that the thunderbird (snap) installation went OK - even if Thunderbird after boot today wanted me to configure a first email account, starting again Thunderbird everything seems to be OK.


    sudo apt autoremove > there was a warning:

    Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of systemd-binfmt.
    service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.

    so I did:
    systemctl daemon-reload

    During the actions some folder are not deleted because the haven't been empty - I have to have a special look...:

    dpkg: Warning: Old directory »/etc/thunderbird» cannot be deleted:
    The directory is not empty
    dpkg: Warning: Old directory »/etc/apport/native-origins.d. cannot be solved
    The directory is not empty
    dpkg: Warning: Old directory »/etc/apport/blacklist.d» cannot be deleted w
    probe: The directory is not empty
    dpkg: Warning: During removing fonts-lato is a directory »/usr/share/fon
    ts/truetype/lato not empty, therefore not deleted

    Big question: Is there something to left to do to finish the upgrade?

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