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Thread: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

  1. #11
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    Quote Originally Posted by volteos View Post
    You don't need to use snaps on Ubuntu. When you install apps via apt, they're not snap packs.
    This is easily proven to be false. Remove Firefox. Install it again using sudo apt install firefox The snap will be installed.
    Same for lxd and chromium and vlc. There may be "some" packages that don't have a "snap-transitional .deb package, but the major ones all do to "help" people.

    For a clear example,
    $ dpkg -l lxd
    | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
    |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
    ||/ Name           Version      Architecture Description
    ii  lxd            1:0.10       all          Transitional package - lxd -> snap (lxd)
    $ snap list
    Name    Version         Rev    Tracking       Publisher   Notes
    bare    1.0             5      latest/stable  canonical✓  base
    core18  20240920        2846   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
    core20  20240705        2379   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
    core22  20240904        1621   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
    lxd     5.21.2-2f4ba6b  30131  5.21/stable    canonical✓  -
    scrcpy  v1.25           399    latest/stable  sisco311    -
    snapd   2.63            21759  latest/stable  canonical✓  snapd
    I'd prefer to have a non-snap version of lxd. Please. Exactly how can I have that, easily, on Ubuntu? The answer is, it isn't possible.

    I'd love to know, if things have actually changed.

    Oh, and AppImages do not require any extra software installed to work normally. Just grab the program-version.AppImage, chmod +x that file and run it. No sandbox or container, but no hassles either.

  2. #12
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    Quote Originally Posted by VMC View Post
    $ dpkg -l lxd
    dpkg-query: no packages found matching lxd
    $ snap list
    Command 'snap' not found, but can be installed with:
    sudo apt install snapd
    Now, run
    sudo apt install lxd
    and run those 2 commands again. You'll see a snap package was installed even though you used "apt", not "snap install". THAT's my main issue with snaps. They are being sneaky and there's no way to prevent "transitional packages from pulling in snap infra even after it has clearly be manually removed by the admin on the system.

    Anyway, I gave up fighting the battle. Mint doesn't do this and it is enough like Ubuntu in other ways for my desktop needs.

  3. #13
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    I finally have it at bay currently with:
    cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref Package: snapd Pin: release a=* Pin-Priority: -10 EOF
    You can use apt hold, but I find it still trys to sneak in . Banish from the OS is better.
    sudo cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
    Package: snapd
    Pin: release a=*
    Pin-Priority: -10
     sudo apt install lxd
    Package lxd is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source
    Error: Package 'lxd' has no installation candidate
    sudo apt install snapd
    Package snapd is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source
    Error: Package 'snapd' has no installation candidate
    There Much Better Now......
    Last edited by 1fallen; October 21st, 2024 at 07:32 PM.
    "When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others." >>Dalai Lama

  4. #14
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    This is easily proven to be false. Remove Firefox. Install it again using sudo apt install firefox The snap will be installed.
    This is not entirely accurate.After removing all Snap packages that I did want to use I either downloaded the .deb packages from source or used a trusted PPA.Perfect example of this is Firefox,I simply removed the Snap version of FF downloaded the Ubuntuzilla PPA+signing key then sudo apt install firefox-mozilla-build and no snap installed and I will always get the latest Mozilla build of FF.This applies to TB and SeaMonkey as well,same for LibreOffice,Edge and a myriad of other packages.With many other packages I simply downloaded the .deb from source and installed with Gdebi and no snap installed.

    As an end user who's been with Ubuntu essentially from the beginning I don't like to muck around to deeply and screw things up,I'm not one to just start entering lines of code in terminal to change things that might screw up a basic install.I've had issues with snaps since they were introduced and have been doing exactly what I posted in the above paragraph since snaps first came on the scene.The only snaps installed on my pc are the core components that were installed when I installed Ubuntu(Mate) and like I said I'm not going to screw around in terminal to change that and risk breaking my current install.

  5. #15
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm24 View Post
    .The only snaps installed on my pc are the core components that were installed when I installed Ubuntu(Mate) and like I said I'm not going to screw around in terminal to change that and risk breaking my current install.
    And "No One" will force you to, Relax!
    I have been around since the year 2005, and I wouldn't do or write anything with intent to break anyone's system.

    Just sharing my prefs, no more no less. Your free to do as you please. and I won't bitch about it.
    "When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others." >>Dalai Lama

  6. #16
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    They are being sneaky and there's no way to prevent "transitional packages from pulling in snap infra even after it has clearly be manually removed by the admin on the system
    We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated into the hive mind. If that does not work, watch out for the Daleks. Exterminate! Exterminate!

    It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things.
    Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530

  7. #17
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1fallen2 View Post
    And "No One" will force you to, Relax!
    I have been around since the year 2005, and I wouldn't do or write anything with intent to break anyone's system.

    Just sharing my prefs, no more no less. Your free to do as you please. and I won't bitch about it.

    The below quote wasn't even yours and I responded to it in a very rational calm way.No relaxation needed on my part.

    This is easily proven to be false. Remove Firefox. Install it again using sudo apt install firefox The snap will be installed.
    Last edited by Norm24; October 28th, 2024 at 09:51 PM.

  8. #18
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm24 View Post
    The below quote wasn't even yours and I responded to it in a very rational calm way.No relaxation needed on my part.
    This is what I replied back to also in a clam tone, just for accuracy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Norm24 View Post
    .The only snaps installed on my pc are the core components that were installed when I installed Ubuntu(Mate) and like I said I'm not going to screw around in terminal to change that and risk breaking my current install.
    Happy to hear no relaxation needed.
    "When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others." >>Dalai Lama

  9. #19
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm24 View Post
    This is not entirely accurate.After removing all Snap packages that I did want to use I either downloaded the .deb packages from source or used a trusted PPA.Perfect example of this is Firefox,I simply removed the Snap version of FF downloaded the Ubuntuzilla PPA+signing key then sudo apt install firefox-mozilla-build and no snap installed and I will always get the latest Mozilla build of FF.This applies to TB and SeaMonkey as well,same for LibreOffice,Edge and a myriad of other packages.With many other packages I simply downloaded the .deb from source and installed with Gdebi and no snap installed.

    As an end user who's been with Ubuntu essentially from the beginning I don't like to muck around to deeply and screw things up,I'm not one to just start entering lines of code in terminal to change things that might screw up a basic install.I've had issues with snaps since they were introduced and have been doing exactly what I posted in the above paragraph since snaps first came on the scene.The only snaps installed on my pc are the core components that were installed when I installed Ubuntu(Mate) and like I said I'm not going to screw around in terminal to change that and risk breaking my current install.
    Yes, there are workarounds. But there are workarounds for most things. If you remove the firefox snap, remove snapd, then runs sudo apt install firefox, it will come back as a snap. THAT's the point.
    Nobody is going to remember to install firefox-mozilla-build or some other odd package name. And should we really suggest that anyone use a PPA like Ubuntuzilla? That's a judgement call. Before I gave up on Ubuntu desktops, I was installing the official Mozilla PPA and loading firefox-esr ... to me, that was too much hassle. We shouldn't have to fight with our distros over dumb things like snaps.

    We show CLI commands here because they are complete and fast. There are GUI methods, if you prefer. We just don't want to have to post 10 screen captures, edit those 10 images to point out things, then write a paragraph for each when 2 CLI commands just does the right thing. It is about efficiency.

  10. #20
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    Re: Ubuntu (not LTS) based dist. independent on Snap, FlatPak & AppImage?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFu View Post
    Yes, there are workarounds. But there are workarounds for most things. If you remove the firefox snap, remove snapd, then runs sudo apt install firefox, it will come back as a snap. THAT's the point.
    Nobody is going to remember to install firefox-mozilla-build or some other odd package name. And should we really suggest that anyone use a PPA like Ubuntuzilla? That's a judgement call. Before I gave up on Ubuntu desktops, I was installing the official Mozilla PPA and loading firefox-esr ... to me, that was too much hassle. We shouldn't have to fight with our distros over dumb things like snaps.

    We show CLI commands here because they are complete and fast. There are GUI methods, if you prefer. We just don't want to have to post 10 screen captures, edit those 10 images to point out things, then write a paragraph for each when 2 CLI commands just does the right thing. It is about efficiency.
    As far as the Ubuntuzilla PPA goes why not suggest using it?How could doing a one time install of a package called firefox-mozilla-build be odd and hard to remember?Firefox-mozilla-build is exactly what it's the Mozilla build of their browser Firefox,Nanotube's been maintaining that PPA for more years than 90% of the posters here have been members including yourself.Once the PPA is installed and you install FF you never have to worry about it again,when a new version is ready either update via CLI or GUI.

    If you find all this to be a hassle and consider it fighting with your distro well THAT's on you.Not everybody's like you,some of us are just straight up end users.For someone who doesn't like snaps or Ubuntu desktops you sure spend a lot of your time telling people how to use it and why you dislike it in the same response,kinda like being a car salesman and telling the buyer it's garbage after the sale.

    Have a good day.
    Last edited by Norm24; October 30th, 2024 at 09:45 PM.

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