I am 75 years old and new to Linux after years of disappointment with Windows. I started with Windows for Workgroups and ended with Windows 11. My Linux issue is a PAIN viz, Keyboard keys incorrectly typing on 2 different Asus laptops. I installed Linux Mint 22 on laptop 1: Asus AMD 64 bit, 8Gb RAm, SSD 256Gb. laptop 2: Linux Mint afce, Asus 64bit, 8Gb RAM, SSD 120Gb. Both have keyboard issues as noted above. Hence I cannot use TERMINAL command lines. On laptop 1 if I type "a" I get "/a" and if I type any number eg. "123" I get ".123" ie a dot before any number. On laptop 2 if I type using "shift 3 to get the # symbol I get the English pound symbol. Both laptops use US language. Numlock on or off makes no difference. HELP I need some serious guidance .. greetings from the land downunder.
You should post on the Mint forum. This is Ubuntu support https://forums.linuxmint.com/ As far as I am aware Mint isn't supported here. happy to be wrong
Originally Posted by ActionParsnip As far as I am aware Mint isn't supported here. happy to be wrong There is a sub-forum for Mint: https://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=453
Not Ubuntu. Thread moved to the MINT sub-forum. Yes we do have sub-fora for other distros. However, users are advised to take note of the strapline there: This forum is for the support of other operating systems and other Linux distros. No official Ubuntu supported distro questions should be posted here. Please be aware this is not the best place to receive tech support for these OSs/Distros and users should look for official support channels for those systems.
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I haven't used Mint for years but based on what you have posted I suggest the following: Check keyboard, language and input methods. They should be somewhere under Settings or similar. It is possible, but I am only guessing, that somehow your input methods or keyboard layout got changed to something else. Post back once you have checked and let us know whether it helped or not.
System-Info Script Boot Info Script Ubuntu Member
I am English. I have a laptop with an English keyboard. Shift + 3 is how the pound ( £ ) sign is typed on an English keyboard. You have US keyboards and somehow your keyboard layout has been changed from English US to English UK. As stated about there must be a settings utility in the Mint desktop environment where changes can be made. Regards
It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things. Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530
thank you for your quick response and advice. I will advise if and when i sort the problem.
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