Running Lubuntu, and Muon is apparently dead. What's a good replacement for package management?
Synaptic looks like a good candidate, are there other suggestions?
Running Lubuntu, and Muon is apparently dead. What's a good replacement for package management?
Synaptic looks like a good candidate, are there other suggestions?
I don't use package managers often, but if I do, it's mostly aptitude.
Its a terminal based package manager, but I tend to do all package management at terminal anyway (which maybe why it suits me best).
Some details provided by `apt info aptitude` include
Lubuntu still includes Plasma-DiscoverDescription: terminal-based package manager
aptitude is a package manager with a number of useful features,
including: a mutt-like syntax for matching packages in a flexible
manner, dselect-like persistence of user actions, the ability to
retrieve and display the Debian changelog of most packages, and a
command-line mode similar to that of apt-get.
FYI: I'm never using `aptitude install` for non-interactive installs; I use `apt` for those, but when I want a package manager to search & tag for install multiple packages (eg. wallpapers), `aptitude` is my go to.
Muon never impressed me, although it was standard with Kubuntu. I think Synaptic is a much better option as a graphical interface if you don't want to use apt in the command line.
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This universe is crazy. I'm going back to my own.
Sorry that I was unclear: I need a GUI manager.
Synaptic Package Manager is still one of the best, you just have to be careful in what you are doing.
Synaptic installed.
Thanks for all your feedback.