Hi everyone, I have ubuntu 22.04 LTS installed on a ssd. I have other installs of mint on the 2nd drive on one partition. Another partition has another version of ubuntu. My main distro is ubuntu and is the one I am logged into now.
The one partition on the 2nd drive was set on read only and I'm trying to change the permissions and take ownership of that partition so I can copy off some files. In the terminal I typed in the command "sudo chmod 237 /dev/sdb9" and suddenly most of the partitions were marked as read only. I then did "sudo chmod 777 /dev/sdb9" and it hasn't changed. I opened the disks app and I've gone to some of the partitions and I see I've messed up the ownership.
How do I take ownership back and restore it the way it was? I thought 237 changed ownership of the one partitian and 777 changed for all users. I'm still learning Ubuntu so I feel like I properly messed up.