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Thread: Getting help for Ubuntu Core?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Here and There
    Xubuntu Development Release

    Re: Getting help for Ubuntu Core?

    I finally got it. Here is how it lays out
    Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.5.0-44-generic x86_64)
     * Ubuntu Core:
     * Community:
     * Snaps: 
    This Ubuntu Core 22 machine is a tiny, transactional edition of Ubuntu,
    designed for appliances, firmware and fixed-function VMs.
    If all the software you care about is available as snaps, you are in
    the right place. If not, you will be more comfortable with classic
    deb-based Ubuntu Server or Desktop, where you can mix snaps with
    traditional debs. It's a brave new world here in Ubuntu Core!
    Please see 'snap --help' for app installation and updates.
    Last login: Wed Sep 18 20:47:13 2024 from
    [sudo] password for me: 
    NAME    FSTYPE    SIZE MOUNTPOINT                                    LABEL
    loop0   squashf 516.4M /writable/system-data/snap/core22-desktop/267 
    loop1   squashf   1.6M /writable/system-data/snap/pc-desktop/23      
    loop2   squashf 282.9M /writable/system-data/snap/pc-kernel/1881     
    loop3   squashf   1.5M /writable/system-data/snap/avahi/327          
    loop4   squashf     4K /writable/system-data/snap/bare/5             
    loop5   squashf   1.3M /writable/system-data/snap/bluez/356          
    loop6   squashf  55.7M /writable/system-data/snap/core18/2829        
    loop7   squashf    64M /writable/system-data/snap/core20/2379        
    loop8   squashf  74.1M /writable/system-data/snap/core22/1033        
    loop9   squashf  66.2M /writable/system-data/snap/core24/490         
    loop10  squashf  66.5M /writable/system-data/snap/cups/1024          
    loop11  squashf 164.8M /writable/system-data/snap/gnome-3-28-1804/19 
    loop12  squashf   497M /writable/system-data/snap/gnome-42-2204/141  
    loop13  squashf  91.7M /writable/system-data/snap/gtk-common-themes/ 
    loop14  squashf   4.1M /writable/system-data/snap/ipp-usb/101        
    loop15  squashf 152.1M /writable/system-data/snap/lxd/26200          
    loop16  squashf   4.6M /writable/system-data/snap/network-manager/87 
    loop17  squashf 280.7M /writable/system-data/snap/pc-kernel/1570     
    loop18  squashf  10.5M /writable/system-data/snap/snap-store/1046    
    loop19  squashf  40.6M /writable/system-data/snap/snapd/21018        
    loop20  squashf  37.2M /writable/system-data/snap/snapd/23021        
    loop21  squashf   476K /writable/system-data/snap/snapd-desktop-inte 
    loop22  squashf 134.3M /writable/system-data/snap/surfshark/42       
    loop23  squashf  20.9M /writable/system-data/snap/ubuntu-core-deskto 
    loop24  squashf    12K /writable/system-data/snap/ubuntu-desktop-ses 
    loop25  squashf  74.3M /writable/system-data/snap/core22/1612        
    loop26  squashf   4.6M /writable/system-data/snap/network-manager/90 
    loop27  squashf   1.3M /writable/system-data/snap/bluez/381          
    loop28  squashf   1.1M /writable/system-data/snap/avahi/615          
    loop29  squashf   560K /writable/system-data/snap/snapd-desktop-inte 
    loop30  squashf  67.8M /writable/system-data/snap/cups/1058          
    loop31  squashf   7.4M /writable/system-data/snap/gedit/684          
    loop32  squashf 104.1M /writable/system-data/snap/lxd/30130          
    loop33  squashf   173M /writable/system-data/snap/brave/438          
    loop34  squashf 505.1M /writable/system-data/snap/gnome-42-2204/176  
    loop35  squashf 271.4M /writable/system-data/snap/firefox/4955       
    loop36  squashf   5.2M /writable/system-data/snap/eog/728            
    sda              29.3G                                               
    ├─sda1              1M                                               
    ├─sda2  vfat      3.4G /writable/system-data/var/lib/snapd/seed      ubuntu-seed
    ├─sda3  ext4      750M /run/mnt/ubuntu-boot                          ubuntu-boot
    ├─sda4  ext4       32M /writable/system-data/var/lib/snapd/save      ubuntu-save
    └─sda5  ext4     25.1G /writable                                     ubuntu-data
    A couple of snapshots to view.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by 1fallen; September 19th, 2024 at 04:43 AM.
    "When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others." >>Dalai Lama

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Getting help for Ubuntu Core?

    Thank you so much everyone, I'll give that a try too.

    Meantime, i hope this desktop version can reach stable status as soon as possible, that would spare me quite a few headaches. ^__^

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Here and There
    Xubuntu Development Release

    Re: Getting help for Ubuntu Core?

    Just to help if needed I used an .img install found here:
    Extracted the single .img file, then the fun part.
    I had a blank 32Gig Drive so I burned that to that Drive, booted to it and let it install. Just be patient for the installer to finish.

    There will be no GUI installer shown it takes care of that on it's own. But it will fill the entire drive. (Heads Up)
    "When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others." >>Dalai Lama

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Getting help for Ubuntu Core?

    Yeah the .iso didn't work (got a blank screen) so I tried and successfully installed the usual .img file via Disk Writer.

    I'm currently trying to finally have my user autologin (despite setting the option during the OS Setup phase, I still need to enter the password - this needs to be fixed) and let Remmina automatically run, but I'd say I'm in a definitely better state compared to two days ago.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Been there, meh.

    Re: Getting help for Ubuntu Core?

    If I were trying to do this, I'd start with TinyCore Linux (the version that includes Xorg) and add just the RDP client I wanted. Bet all that would fit in less than 64MB (yes, MB).

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Getting help for Ubuntu Core?

    Hmm, 64MB sounds intriguing to say the least (I'd happily take the least complex configuration anytime!), I'll give that a try too, thanks!

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