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Thread: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    Question Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04

    I receintly installed ubuntu 23.04 on to a flash drive. I tried to do this with destro 24.04 but didn't have enough system ram a successful instal.
    When I went to upgrade the distro 23.04 I said that it not possible to do so.
    Is there any thing else I can do to work around this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Here and There
    Xubuntu Development Release

    Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04

    What are your Specs on the machine now?
    inxi -Cm
    "When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others." >>Dalai Lama

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Arizona U.S.A.

    Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04

    Quote Originally Posted by richaq View Post
    I receintly installed ubuntu 23.04 on to a flash drive. I tried to do this with destro 24.04 but didn't have enough system ram a successful instal.
    When I went to upgrade the distro 23.04 I said that it not possible to do so.
    Is there any thing else I can do to work around this?
    Run the command do-release-upgrade -c in your terminal to see if a new release is available. The result I got in 23.04 is
    dmn@Tyana-vm:~$ do-release-upgrade -c
    Checking for a new Ubuntu release
    Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
    For upgrade information, please visit:
    New release '24.04.1 LTS' available.
    Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
    The last part says 24.04.1 LTS is available, but If you run the command sudo do-release-upgrade, it will not complete the job it promised. It stops with:

    Checking package manager
    Can not upgrade 
    An upgrade from 'lunar' to 'noble' is not supported with this tool.
    The options are use the upgrade information link and follow the instructions, or do an new install.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    melbourne, au
    Lubuntu Development Release

    Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04

    The expected upgrade path for a 23.04 or lunar system was to the next release, ie. to mantic or Ubuntu 23.10 ( )

    That expected and fully supported upgrade path however disappeared when 23.10 went EOL ( ) which makes it much harder for 23.04 users now, as you've left it too long.

    The upgrade you've now got is from an EOL release, covered in

    ie. its more manual as you're too late for the expected path.

    In future, take note of what you're running and when it reaches EOL. Ubuntu 23.04 tells you it's the 2023-April release (23.04 means 2024-April) with 9 months of supported life, so it ended April+9 months or 2024-Jan with the upgrade still available for six months after that date, before its the more manual upgrade you have now (unless the next release is a LTS, 23.10 wasn't)

    Some systems allow for non-destructive re-install, I did one in QA yesterday; but you don't mention any details except release (23.04; no Server/Desktop/flavor detail)


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