BOXES Check attachment snap-shot below to see image of given problem . I presume there is a FULL-Screen option, but could not call the function. There is a "right-click" option to resize but it is voided out and I may not click on it. There must be a simple solution using a hotkey but i am unfamiliar with it. PM'S Allowed and all post's with solution are requested. I really need this FIX to use virtual windows on my linux computer and if all else fails will have to resort to dual-boot with grub. Grub "boot" is not need now because i want many image clones of windows for security reasons, such as saving a "CLEAN" version.
... Just change the Resolution, Thread Closed.
You should mark this thread as Solved using the Thread Tools at the top of your first post. In my experience with Boxes, changing the screen resolution from within the VM usually does the trick.
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