Can you please edit your original post and wrap all the terminal output in forum code tags so the columns are maintained?
As it is now, I don't see a way to extend the file system. You didn't install with LVM which would have made something like this pretty easy. Without LVM, you can't modify the size of a file system that is mounted.
However, you can use symbolic links to make specific directories redirect to different storage.
I really need to see the output more clearly, with the correct columns to be certain. I'd prefer to see these exact commands:
lsblk -e 7 -o name,type,fstype,size,FSAVAIL,FSUSE%,label,mountpoint
df -hT -x squashfs -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs
sudo fdisk -l
so the extra junk isn't there. We only want real storage, not fake storage. The fdisk output, if you can, please don't post any loop devices that might be shown. They are useless. Just the /dev/xvd* devices, please.
BTW, you will probably need to reboot the system. It would all be easier if you could connect an ISO to the VM and boot off it, then do a fresh install with LVM into one of the larger, empty, disks, and migrate everything over to it. Physical access shouldn't be necessary for any of this, but I've never used IBM x86 clouds, only AIX LPAR clouds on Power-based systems. It has been nearly 20 yrs since I had IBM training on that stuff, however. The entire world has changed and I don't remember any of it being odd or different from other hypervisor ideas I'd used over the decades.