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One oddity about Linux files under Windows might be worth noting here, 7zip files created on Linux, especially encrypted ones, don't always open in 7zip Windows and actually the attempt seems to corrupt the file.
There are many different implementations of "ZIP" archives and compression. Not all are compatible. On Linux, if you want the ZIP to be compatible with the built-in ZIP in MS-Windows, use PeaZIP. Or, better, use a tgz or tar.gz archive type which is cross platform and F/LOSS (not proprietary). Actually, there are lots and lots of different compressors. It happens that ZIP was early and used on MS-Windows. Took about 15 yrs before MSFT added native support, but on Unix/Linux, we'd already moved onto others.
- cpio
- tar
- Compress - .Z
- PkZip - .zip (mainly MS-Windows and MS-DOS)
- InfoZIP - .zip (mainly Unix)
- Arj - .arg
- Lha - .lhz
- <lots of others, including 10 variants of ZIP)
- bz
In general, newer compression is faster and compresses to smaller files. Sort like how mpeg1 --> mpeg2 --> Mpeg4/Divx/Xvid --> h.264 --> h.265 --> and all the new video codes have gotten better/smaller, but not necessarily faster.
Anyway, hope this is helpful. You can always use the 'file' utility to read the file signature to know what archiver/compressor was used on any specific file. A few examples:
$ file x.tgz
x.tgz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32 10240
$ file y.tar.gz
y.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, was "y-2.038.tar", last modified: Mon Apr 15 20:14:19 2024, max compression, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32 174080
$ file z.zip
z.zip: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
The utility will look at file signatures for any file and make the best guess possible.
$ file BIOSRenamer.exe
BIOSRenamer.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
$ file command.com
command.com: MS-DOS executable, MZ for MS-DOS
The Linux/Unix OS doesn't care about the extension. Some poorly written GUI programs on Linux do. I don't know why. File extensions are conveniences for humans. They are really convenient, most definitely.