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Thread: Upgrade from Ubuntu 18.__ LTS to 20.__ LTS, failed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Upgrade from Ubuntu 18.__ LTS to 20.__ LTS, failed

    I tried 2 days ago to upgrade my Ubuntu 18.__ LTS directly to 20.__ LTS, but in terminal I got the error message line about the updating program (Noitifica'm si hi ha una versió nova de l'Ubuntu: Notify me if there is a new Ubuntu version) which was set to Mai: Never. I mended it setting to Per a versions de suport a llarg termini: For support long term versions. But afterwards I got the error message line about setting prompt to normal. I don' know how to mend it. Look it at the attached files (two screen captures).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    London, England
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: Upgrade from Ubuntu 18.__ LTS to 20.__ LTS, failed

    When running the do-release-upgrade command do not use the -d switch. That -d switch upgrades to a development release version. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS stopped being a development version when it was released during April 2020. This is why you see the messages:

    There is no development version of an LTS available
    To upgrade to the latest non-development LTS release
    It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things.
    Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Arizona U.S.A.

    Re: Upgrade from Ubuntu 18.__ LTS to 20.__ LTS, failed

    You set it correctly to notify about LTS versions. But, the -d is not used with regular release upgrades, so leave it off and use sudo do-release-upgrade command. Then it would find 20.04 LTS and offer upgrade to that.

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