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Thread: Xubuntu 24.04 and languages

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Xubuntu 24.04 and languages

    When I install Xubuntu 24,04 in my language, the installation stays in English (before the new installer, it used to get installed directly in the user language).
    Anyway, you can still change the language (and Regional preferences) and reboot.
    But even so, Thunar folders name (or Nautilus or something else) is still in English (The rest is OK).
    xdg-user-dirs-update doesn’t work even if user-dirs.locale is ok and includes
    Editing « user-dirs.dirs » doesn’t work either and makes a mess.
    Anyone has the same thing or an idea of what to do ?
    PS : I contacted the developers of Thunar ( but apparently it comes from user-dirs.dirs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: Xubuntu 24.04 and languages

    How to solve (not user friendly at all...)

    1. Create the folders in your language
    2. Edit the $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs (Be aware that .config is hidden and you should display hidden files)
    3. Reboot
    4. Delete the old files in English

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