Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 855 for the week of August 25 - 31, 2024.
The Discourse post of this issue is available here.

In this Issue

  • Ubuntu 22.04.5 final point-release delayed until September 12
  • Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS released
  • Ubuntu Stats
  • Hot in Support
  • Ubuntu Meeting Activity Reports
  • Rocks Public Journal; 2024-08-27
  • Convocatória para apresentação de propostas (Call for proposals)
  • UbuCon Asia 2025 - Call for Bids!
  • LoCo Council approved and formalized LoCo Handover process
  • LoCo Events
  • Introducing Kernel 6.11 for the 24.10 Oracular Oriole Release
  • Other Community News
  • Ubuntu Cloud News
  • Canonical News
  • In the Blogosphere
  • Other Articles of Interest
  • Featured Audio and Video
  • Meeting Reports
  • Upcoming Meetings and Events
  • Updates and Security for Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, and 24.04
  • And much more!

General Community News

Ubuntu 22.04.5 final point-release delayed until September 12

Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak tells us that due to the delay of Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS point release, the release of Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS will be delayed to "get the attention" it "deserves".


Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS released

Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak announces the release of Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS and desktop flavors. We're given a quick reminder of what point releases are, and of the support for this LTS release, with links for more specifics.


This release is widely covered, the following is a collection of articles selected by our editors:

Interested in the flavors? Release announcements as follows:

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open: 144641 (+100)
  • Critical: 308 (+1)
  • Unconfirmed: 73263 (+72)

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad


  • German: 86.72% (46620/108)
  • Ukrainian: 85.99% (49178/1262)
  • French: 83.79% (56895/7296)
  • Swedish: 79.16% (73174/1138)
  • Spanish: 76.80% (81451/4795)

Hot in Support

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions

Ask (and answer!) questions at: https://askubuntu.com/

Ubuntu Forums Top 5 Threads

Find more support at: https://ubuntuforums.org/

Ubuntu Meeting Activity Reports

Rocks Public Journal; 2024-08-27

Cristovao Cordeiro (cjdc) relates to us "What’s new?": Ubuntu bases are now available for riscv64, reverting ca-certificates_data slice, and new Chisel slices. Links are provided for more info and contacts.


LoCo News

Convocatória para apresentação de propostas (Call for proposals)

Diogo Constantine tells us we can submit proposals for Ubucon Portugal 2024 until Sunday September 15, 2024. We're given details on these proposals, with links for more, with some details of the Ubucon Portugal 2024 event, plus Free Software Festival 2024.


UbuCon Asia 2025 - Call for Bids!

Youngbin Han reminds us that UbuCon Asia 2024 is this weekend culminating on the 2nd of September, In preparation for the next UbuCon Asia he alerts us to a 'Call for Bids' for holding UbuCon Asia 2025. This post includes details on both the event, and submitting a bid. A lists of some countries not eligible is given, and the deadline for submissions. Details on where you can ask questions or get help are provided, as well as where ideas can be discussed at the UbuCon Asia 2024 event.


LoCo Council approved and formalized LoCo Handover process

Youngbin Han on behalf of the LoCo Council tells us the LoCo Handover process is now formalized. With a brief summary of the process, we're also given a link which contains more for making 'LoCo Handover requests'.


For additional details, please also see:

LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

Looking beyond the next two weeks? Visit the respective LoCo Team calendar to browse upcoming events.

Please see:

The Hub

Introducing Kernel 6.11 for the 24.10 Oracular Oriole Release

Timo Aaltonen informs us that Ubuntu 24.10 will use the 6.11 Linux kernel. With a reminder of the scheduled release dates, we're told a 6.11-RC kernel is available in oracular-proposed for users to help test. We're reminded the kernel is still being tested, before being given a list of the most notable changes from the 6.8 kernel used in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Many links are provided.


Other Community News

Asking for donations in Plasma

Nate Graham writes about why projects such as KDE specifically need to ask for money. We're reminded the product of KDE is 'given away for free'. We're shown a screenshot of a new "Donate to KDE" notification found in KDE Plasma 6.2, and why its included is discussed.


The Ubuntu Forum: The Future of the Forum

Ubuntu Forums Admin coffeecat has started a conversation in respect to the future of the Ubuntu Forums. He walks us through various issues, including declining membership, the older vBulletin software currently used, and issues with its upgrade. Some alternatives, as well as limits of time on a reducing set of volunteers, is discussed. This thread has many responses, from end-users and other Ubuntu Forums admins.


Ubuntu Cloud News

Canonical News

In the Blogosphere

Linux 6.11 Kernel Features Deliver A Lot For New/Upcoming Intel & AMD Hardware

Michael Larabel gives us a summary of the features we'll find in the Linux 6.11 kernel. Whilst this is a 'summary' of what's included, the kernel involves loads of new improvements in various areas, and Michael includes many links should you need to learn more.


AMD Kria Development Boards To Enjoy Wayland Support With Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Michael Larabel tells us Canonical have partnered with AMD in supporting Ubuntu Linux on AMD-Xilinx Kria development boards for the UltraScale+ / Versal Adaptive SoC evaluation kit. We're told currently Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is supported, but work is ongoing on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS which will include Wayland support.


AMDVLK 2024.Q3.2 Brings "Strix 1" Support & Performance Tuning

Michael Larabel writes that AMDVLK 2024.Q3.2 is now available. We're given details of the release and improvements, as well as the links to GutHub for downloading source or Ubuntu/RHEL binaries.


Other Articles of Interest

Featured Audio and Video

Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: Episode 313 - Rute Correia I

"Esta semana recebemos a visita de Rute Correia; jogadora inveterada, malhadeira extraordinaire e uma das Tias que Malham em Jogos. Falámos de tudo um pouco, mas sobretudo de jogos de vídeo, computadores, consolas fofinhas de muitas cores e Software Livre (claro). É mesmo inevitável que uma pessoa que cresça rodeada de computadores e ecrãs se torne míope e nerd? Hmmm. Qual é a diferença entre um Steamdeck e um Stream Deck? É verdade que lhe chamam a Zita Seabra das Consolas, por ter abandonado o PC? A conversa correu tão bem e divertimo-nos tanto, que tivemos de dividir este episódio em duas partes - esta é a primeira."


Ubuntu OnAir: UbuconLA2024 -Haciendo la vida moderna mas simple con Ubuntu

"Haciendo la vida moderna mas simple con Ubuntu: Esta charla abarcara varias temáticas de manera superficial(Desde IoT, Visualización, como desarrollo), el titulo es disruptivo, ya que se trata de como un nuevo abanico de oportunidades puede generar frustraciones, peor a la vez motivarte a aprender, aprender y aprender. La idea es ver a Ubuntu como esa herramienta que nos facilitara la vida en lo complejo que se esta volviendo el mundo tecnológico."


Meeting Reports

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Times shown are UTC unless otherwise specified. For more details and farther dates please visit: https://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/ | https://discourse.ubuntu.com/upcoming-events

Updates and Security for Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, and 24.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 20.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2025

Ubuntu 22.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2027

Ubuntu 24.04 Updates

End of standard support: April 2029


Get your copy of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter delivered each week to you via email at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news

Or follow us via our various social media presences:


You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Archive

Further News

As always you can find more Ubuntu news and announcements at:


Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Krytarik Raido
  • Bashing-om
  • Chris Guiver
  • Wild Man
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

Other acronyms can be found at: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/glossary-uwn/42405

Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu. More on this at: https://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/

Or get involved with the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter team! We always need summary writers and editors, if you're interested, learn more at: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/joini...ter-team/40929


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/lis...untu-news-team and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubunt...r-ideas/40053/. If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please check https://community.ubuntu.com/help-information/ for more information on where to get help.

Except where otherwise noted, this issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License.