Hi! I today, I was prompted to upgrade from 22.04.02 (I think) to 24.04.01. This is a LTS to LTS upgrade. Anyway, I started the upgrade process and while the packages were being installed, I stepped away from the computer. I did click the buttons to switch Thunderbird to the SNAP version. Other than that, I left the machine alone. After a while, I looked at the screen and it was black. I thought the monitor went into sleep mode, so I moved the mouse and pressed the space bar. Eventually a message reading "Gave up waiting for suspend/resume device" appeared. Then, some other messages appeared, including an alert indicating a UUID couldn't be found. I took a picture of the messages and will attach them to this post.
Anyway, I was eventually dropped in a "BusyBox" shell with an "(initramfs)" prompt. When I tried typing "help" for commands, nothing appeared on the screen. I did some web searches on "gave up waiting for suspend/resume device" and found some information on various commands to run, but I'm not sure how/where to run those commands. For example, do I boot from an Ubuntu USB flash drive and still be able to run the "initramfs" or "grub" commands suggested to resolve the issue? I did boot a Fedora USB flash drive I have and was able to run "blkid" and found the UUID of the SSD where Ubuntu was installed *matched* the UUID contained in the "alert" message.
At this point, I'm not sure what happened and I'm not sure how to proceed. The last time I upgraded Ubuntu on this system, it went fairly smoothly. The time before that, I had issues because the UEFI partition was too small and ran out of space. lol
Any suggestions on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!