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Thread: The Future of the Forum

  1. #191
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    Re: The Future of the Forum

    Make possible to appreciate some answer or answers with +1 in thread with making possible to withdrawn some sum from connected account like paypal(even merchant account is possible on the same account if little sales) with sales tax automatic accounting(there should be service companies for that with little effort) and maybe related with ubuntu accounting but other vendors possible like stripe, braintree and others... Today wordpress services are huge ecosystem for eshops but a lot of fraud is also reality... but there are also services for that and OECD countries or US or EU only should solve that for such little donations or microtransactions but part of solution is to enable countries to have national ecosystem for their duties and companies of interest in their regulations... and if wordpress or even is in position to do that, canonical for years is not to make small donations possible...

    and that should be maybe invitation for more professional relations or even certified professionals who could earn part of living from that or related invitation for their services or more development when needed...

  2. #192
    Join Date
    May 2008
    United Kingdom

    Re: The Future of the Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by pantazi View Post
    … one of the most positive aspects is that members to go out of their way to help and advise and not criticise.
    This is one of the huge attractions of Ubuntu over other distributions. I often refer to this forum on the subreddit, because here, I usually get better quality answers, more educational constructive side discussions, and an overall welcome.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Cog View Post
    … whenever you visit, ½ to ¾ of the posts are tug-of-war. I would advocate closing that thread…
    I've added a filter to my emails to automatically delete those post notifications, because they pollute my inbox. I fully agree with you.
    Quote Originally Posted by or22 View Post
    Make possible to appreciate some answer or answers with +1 in thread with making possible to withdrawn some sum…
    I'm not entirely sure what you are asking, but I think that you are asking for people who get +1 to be rewarded financially.

    I strongly disagree, because, unfortunately, this would attract unwelcome AI bots and other low-quality answers. They potentially could swamp the forum.

    The vast majority of people here contribute because they want to, not because they are trying to make money out of the forum. The former is exactly the sort of attitude that we want to continue to attract.
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  3. #193
    Join Date
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    Re: The Future of the Forum

    I would advocate closing that thread, so that all the posts one sees are true helpful discussion threads.
    +1 to that. Now, when do I get my money?

    It actually does sadden me that some of us cannot resist using a help request to criticize the sponsor of Ubuntu. I do appreciate the fact that some of us who try to help do so even though they are not using Ubuntu. As expressed by @Paddy Landau

    The vast majority of people here contribute because they want to, not because they are trying to make money out of the forum. The former is exactly the sort of attitude that we want to continue to attract.
    It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things.
    Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530

  4. #194
    Join Date
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    The Left Coast of the USA

    Re: The Future of the Forum

    Let me get some feedback from the Staff about closing the tug-of-war thread.
    Please read The Forum Rules and The Forum Posting Guidelines

    A thing discovered and kept to oneself must be discovered time and again by others. A thing discovered and shared with others need be discovered only the once.
    This universe is crazy. I'm going back to my own.

  5. #195
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Re: The Future of the Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis N View Post
    Someone can check this, but I have been surprised that this forum is not mentioned as a place to get help when someone installs Ubuntu. Instead, the installer mentions Ask Ubuntu as a place to get help. New users could be steered here if the Ubuntu Forum at least got a mention.
    Hi! As a new Ubuntu user who just installed for the first time, I was alarmed to see this thread and I completely agree with this user. I was actually confused about this forum at first and sought reassurance from other linux users that is trustworthy. I needed to do that because there wasn't any official direction here from Ubuntu. I found this forum from googling and it came up in a list of other sites that I didn't like either because they're for advanced users, out of date, or not helpful to new users.

    Anyway, I'm very happy to have found this forum and I really hope it doesn't go away. But I understand if it needs to change or modernize. There are very few places people like me can go for assistance. Thank you and I hope it's okay I posted here.

  6. #196
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Re: The Future of the Forum

    i think the Discourse is the future TBH

    as i just recently moved to Ubuntu from openSUSE and Fedora the support and technical support places are more on matrix/iirc and discourse and i actually like it quick guide etc matrix channel and more detailed help with logs and info on discourse
    i dont have anything against Forums, but as i read and understand the overall concerns i would move slowly to matrix and discourse.

  7. #197
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    United Kingdom

    Re: The Future of the Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by mavengarlick View Post
    Thank you and I hope it's okay I posted here.
    Thank you for your comments, and you are most welcome! Enjoy your journey with Linux.
    Always make regular backups of your data (and test them).
    Visit Full Circle Magazine for beginners and seasoned Linux enthusiasts.

  8. #198
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: The Future of the Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by ian-weisser View Post
    It's important. Don't miss it.
    - Put it on your calendar.
    - Figure out how to register for remote participation (Free!)
    - Figure out how to watch it (YouTube) and offer your real-time input.

    Hack the community - brainstorm and kick-off
    Might not be on the livestream after all.
    I have reached out to see if there is an alternative way to paticipate.

    Answer via Matrix from galgalesh: "We're planning to pull all the input together in a document to review and discuss, and use this document to start a long-lasting community hacking initiative."
    Last edited by ian-weisser; October 26th, 2024 at 02:11 AM.

  9. #199
    Join Date
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    Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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    Re: The Future of the Forum

    I haven't read the entire thread. I used to visit this forum at least once a day and sometimes multiple times per day. I now visit rarely, it's probably been months since I logged in. Why? Mostly because Ubuntu works well enough that I seldom have a question. I used to ask and answer as best I could hardware questions; wireless and printers mostly. Those things work about as well in Ubuntu as they do in Windows now so there's less need. This forum was the best when I was first starting out. Ask Ubuntu at that time was mostly experienced users not geared to the wet-behind-the-ears Ubuntu user. I found this forum much more useful. I agree that this forum should be mentioned during or just after installation.

  10. #200
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    Re: The Future of the Forum

    Hello everyone, I just want to update the forum members on the progress of moving to a new platform, we are in deed moving to Ubuntu Discourse. We are currently setting up the categories and tags, we are collaborating closely with Canonical employees, Community Council and the current Ubuntu Discourse members, the whole process has been very positive and these are exciting times, the Ubuntu Forum is getting a new chance at life that is on an awesome platform that has the memberships security at heart and the platform is fast to load and secure as already mentioned.

    The transition team collaborate on Ubuntu Discourse daily and once a week we have a webinar to discuss our progress and what we need to do next, these webinars are very productive and pleasant.

    For anyone that is concerned about the Ubuntu Forums being on Ubuntu Discourse because the forum will be there with the wider community please don't be it is to the Ubuntu Forums and its members great advantage that the Ubuntu Forums is on Ubuntu Discourse the site is well maintained because the whole community is their and any member can post respectful questions and get answers by people that can make change happen and everyone is friendly and it is awesome to unite all the Ubuntu Community because we can make a better Ubuntu Community and operating system together then separate.

    The forum is tentatively scheduled to start operating on Ubuntu Discourse site December 12th and to go read only on January the 9th, these dates are open to be changed if need be but we believe we will have Ubuntu Discourse set up for support by the December 12th if not sooner.

    We are moving categories around as well and condensing some to make the site much easier to navigate, the support category is going to be right at the top of the landing page of Ubuntu Discourse and unless something changes the URL for the Ubuntu forums should redirect straight to the support category making it easy to get and give help.

    For members familiar with discourse sites and are concerned about trust levels to be able to post do not worry the support category is going to have the trust level set so all members well be able to post from the very beginning.

    Members here do not have to register on Ubuntu Discourse you just log in on discourse just like you do here using SSO and that is it.

    For anyone wanting to look at the discussion in more detail and as it unfolds see Ubuntu Forums Transition.

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