Re: The Future of the Forum
I too would be very sad to see UF disappear. It seems to me that Canonical has a vested interest in ensuring the continuation of the forum. The depth of knowledge contained in this forum could not hope to be replicated in a commercial environment with so many talented individuals giving freely of their time and expertise.
Many of the forum admin staff have reported a distinct lack of interest from the Canonical representatives with whom they are speaking. Maybe you are talking to the wrong people.
For Canonical to have risen to the size and depth it has in the industry, there has to be people of vision and imagination in their boardroom. It may also be the forum representatives may not be the best advocates as technicians and "geeks" are not the best salesmen! It would be informative to know how often the paid support staff in Canonical use this forum to assist with some esoteric fault they have difficulties with and are able to get assistance here.......I just wonder-maybe they could be an asset you could draw upon in your negotiations with Canonical.
Just my thoughts I hope they can be useful.
Cheers Tony
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