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Thread: Help installing on a Dell

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Help installing on a Dell

    So I have my brand new laptop and it’s running Windows 10, unfortunately. I would like to be able to at least in the future on Windows 10 goes away. Be able to throw Linux on it. When I change the boot order it boots directly into windows. Any ideas? It’s a Dell
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    I am not clear about what you are doing or not doing.

    What are you trying to change the boot order to? Have you installed a distribution of Linux on that machine? Are you trying to boot a USB memory stick with a bootable Linux ISO image on it?

    This might help

    I notice that the USB stick should be FAT32 formatted. I am not sure if that is accurate. A Ubuntu ISO image burned to a USB stick would be compliant with ISO9660 standards.

    I also note that the USB stick should be in the USB port as the machine boots and you press F12 to enter the UEFI settings utility. I am not familiar with Dell systems, so that might be true.

    What are you using to create the Linux USB install memory stick?

    It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    I’m going to dual boot until
    W10 ends with Ubuntu. I can’t figure out how to change the boot order in Dell. I set it to first boot and it boots into windows

  4. #4
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    I think i figured it out. F 12

  5. #5
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    So when I hit F2 or F12, I can access the bios,but can't access the Ventoy USB even if I change the boot order (secure boot is disabled..Ideas?

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  6. #6
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    Quote Originally Posted by grahammechanical View Post
    I am not clear about what you are doing or not doing.

    What are you trying to change the boot order to? Have you installed a distribution of Linux on that machine? Are you trying to boot a USB memory stick with a bootable Linux ISO image on it?

    This might help

    I notice that the USB stick should be FAT32 formatted. I am not sure if that is accurate. A Ubuntu ISO image burned to a USB stick would be compliant with ISO9660 standards.

    I also note that the USB stick should be in the USB port as the machine boots and you press F12 to enter the UEFI settings utility. I am not familiar with Dell systems, so that might be true.

    What are you using to create the Linux USB install memory stick?

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  7. #7
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    Have you tried with a different USB stick? Still not recognized?

    Perhaps try using Rufus to write to the USB but instead of recommended mode, choose to write to the stick using dd.

    Then go to BIOS boot order and see if the stick is recognized.

  8. #8
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    When I boot into the BIOS, it does recognize the USB drive. , I just cannot boot from it, boots straight into Windows.
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  9. #9
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    How did you go about creating the USB stick?
    Ubuntu Tutorial, including creating from a Windows or MacOS Host here.
    Let's use the Ubuntu tutorial and make sure you've followed all the steps.

    Be as Verbose as possible as to what you did. Because, things seem rather unclear, from the thread so far.
    And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick: "rational thinking."
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  10. #10
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    Re: Help installing on a Dell

    I created it with Ventoy but now I overrode that install with Rufus. I will try to boot into the USB
    Ubuntu 20.04
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