My reply to what I quoted above:Reply to my post (from jmarket of PCHelpForum)
You can use this Github repo to get it. This is the easiest way. Essentially, #1 is to install Chrome and then grab it's Widevine .so and it will auto update.
$wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list
$sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y google-chrome-stable
$git clone && cd chromium-widevine && ./
and then to test it you use:
killall -q -SIGTERM chromium-browser || killall -q -SIGTERM chromium && exec $(command -v chromium-browser || command -v chromium) ./test-widevine.html &
I have done than this partially a few weeks ago. I downloaded the latest 32 bits Chrome version and I obtained two files from it, and; then I placed these two files in the /usr/lib/Chromium directory, and I restarted Chromium from command line at terminal and tested by opening the file test-widevine.html. The result of the test was as follows:
. [✗] Widevine not found
. [✗] audio codec audio/mp4;codecs="mp4a.40.2" not supported
. [✗] video codec video/mp2t;codecs="avc1.42E01E,mp4a.40.2" not supported
. [✗] video codec video/webm;codecs="vorbis,vp8" not supported
. [✗] video codec video/mp4;codecs="ec-3" not supported
. [✗] video codec video/mp4;codecs="avc1.42c00d" not supported
It is obvious that Widevine was not installed. What is missing in this procedure that I followed? How do I get Widevine installed and active?