First, I really need to say is this 1st command is so not a good practice and should be avoided as a general rule but they (Black magic) only support CentsOS
so I had to get creative, now that should right there put a little fear in you....LOL
Anyway I've ran it a good spell yesterday and today and things look to be normal on my end YMMV.
That should get you installed but broken, due to the missing packages problem.
So now we run a few more commands:
sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/resolve/libs/
Now we need to somehow link the missing together.
Pleas run these one line at a time, don't paste this whole code box in the terminal:
cd /opt/resolve/libs
sudo mkdir not_used
sudo mv libgio* not_used
sudo mv libgmodule* not_used
Here is what should be close to your speeds as seen in the screen shot
EDIT: You should reboot before running resolve.