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Thread: Automatic upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 o 20.04

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2024

    Automatic upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 o 20.04

    I have hardware with a single SSD imaged with six partitions:
    1. EFI
    2. /boot
    3. swap
    4. recovery (Ubuntu Server 16.04)
    5. / (Ubuntu Desktop 16.04)
    6. /home

    I also have another image that is very similar, but with 20.04:

    1. EFI
    2. /boot
    3. swap
    4. recovery (Ubuntu Server 20.04)
    5. / (Ubuntu Desktop 20.04)
    6. /home

    I have been tasked with coming up with an automatic upgrade process from Ubuntu 16.04 to 20.04. I have a process in place that overwrites the Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 partition (partition 5) with the Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 partition. This is done from the recovery partition using "partimage -b restore". Only the 5th partition is overwritten. After that process the hardware fails to boot with the following error:

    I ran the boot-info tool and got the following:
    I notice several issues in those logs:
    • line 67: Normal Mode shows 16.04, but should show 20.04
    • line 109: grub-pc added (not sure if this is an actual issue or not)
    • line 117: fstab-has-bad-efi
    • line 125: fstab-has-bad-boot
    • line 165: UUID changed of partition 5 (this is expected)

    I'm not sure how to address these issue. Please advise.
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