Host "host1" "ip number like xx.xx.xx.xx" (here host1 is a name we give to differentiate each host) e.g. Host "test1" ""
HostName ip number (here it needs the actual ip address as added above) e.g. HostName
User "username1" (the name of the user of host1)
Compression yes
Protocol 2
Port xxx
HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss (these were not needed in old versions of ubuntu)
Host "host2" "ip number of host2"
HostName ip number (same pattern as host1)
User "username2"
Port xxx
Host "host3" "ip number -again- of host2"
HostName ip number of host2
ProxyJump host1 (this is the same as what you wrote in the first line after Host as host1)
User username2