This is actually a kind of half-solved issue. But the last part is the relevant problem.
Upon first install co-existing with Windows 10, I found that when restarting, the system doesn't bring up the boot menu. First, I had to [ESC] to show what's going on during boot. No biggie. Once inside Linux, I installed the Grub Customizer app. Fixed the timeout from 0 to 15, and did a few other customizations, such as menu order, setting default, and so on. That much got solved.
Then there's that initial blank-out. I shouldn't have to hit [ESC] to see my boot menu, it should jump right into it, right? I'm assuming it's some sort of "splash" screen that's supposed to be there, but it's a blank, black screen. And when booting up, there is no boot menu, only that blank screen.
Now, the problem is, in order to even see anything prior to login, I still have to hit [ESC] a number of times just to see the Grub loader menu. I'm almost sure once is enough, but my natural impatience with badly configured things forces me to keep pounding on it until I get to see what I want to see.
What I need to do is eliminate that blank, black screen so that the boot menu shows up for it's predefined time without having to hit any keys or anything. This is the only computer in the house (aside from tablets and phones) that uses Internet. Is there a fix for this badly-configured startup sequence, or will I end up having to wait for another release that puts an end to these unnecessary steps?
I installed Windlows 10, then Xubuntu on a later primary partition on the same SSD. Version 24 LTS. During install, I tried both methods, Installing along-side Windows, and manually assigning the partitions, both with the same result. Grub timeout=0 and the blank splash screen that hides everything.
Again, I fixed the timeout, I need to eliminate the blank-out that hides everything at startup.