I've been dealing with a host of health problems the last year, and because of that, never proceeded with any of the updates from 18.04LTS. Just a few weeks back I was getting notices offering upgrades to 20..??LTS. Or was it 22.??LTS? Now I get no upgrade notifications and when I open up the software updater, I see the message, "Failed to Download Repository Information". Does this mean I no longer have any chance of upgrading my machine? I'm a novice user, 69 years old and in poor health. I'm just looking to update my machine so I can get on the internet safely. I am not interested in spending the next six months learning all about the intricacies of Ubuntu or the command line syntax.. It's a neat operating system, and I appreciate all the effort people have made creating it. But frankly, I have my doubts that I will live long enough to get educated... Is there a place where I can download an ISO image for 20.??LTS or 22.??LTS? And will it allow an upgrade, instead of a format and install that will destroy my data and the few applications I have added (mostly Windows programs running under Wine)? I'm ashamed to admit I don't even have a good way to backup my computer. I'd like my relatives to be able to access my files should I pass.
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