Ubuntu 24.04 Vnstat ver: 2.12 Vnstat some days reports very high traffic different than provider. On 24 Jun again reports hour rx tx total 07:00 3.10 GIB 3.95 GIB 7.05 GIB Total for the day 8.43 GiB The provider reports total 1862 MB Can some help to correct this Thank you
What is "the provider"? Your ISP? They would only account for Internet traffic, whereas vnstat might be counting local network traffic also.
The provider" is Your ISP. Vnstat is installed on desktop and monitors only the desktop traffic (wlx14ebb61933fb). The wifi router only connection is the desktop. It is impossible for vnstat record more traffic than ISP. The time that report high traffic twice was 7:00 AM from about 6:30 AM to about 7:20 AM I always having breakfast and watch the TV News I am away from the computer. I had vnstat report these error before at 11:00 AM when I was in a meeting,
Install Wireshark. When you don't expect to see traffic: tcpdump -i any -w save.pcap Go enjoy your breakfast and morning news. Come back and run: tshark -r save.pcap -q -z conv,ip That'll show you where the packets went.
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