Yesterday I rebooted my laptop and now it refuses to boot. I have an ASUS Vivobook with dual boot (Ubuntu 22/Windows 10; I rarely use the Windows partition). I've tried troubleshooting using recovery mode. I tried all of the options in the menu as well as updating all my packages, and reinstalling the desktop. This didn't fix it. Today I got a live USB and tried running fsck as well as boot-repair, but it still doesn't work. Here is the paste from boot-repair: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/drHMk67bFc/
Here is a photo of what Ubuntu says when trying to boot:
The '/dev/nvme0n1p4: ******/******** files. ********/********* blocks' message has appeared consistently. I'm not very fluent in troubleshooting, and I can't think of any more things to do. What can I do to recover?