Which freeware/linux fonts replace Microsoft Core Fonts? I just want to use replacements, websafe substitutes instead of the microsoft fonts.
Last edited by 909mjolnir; June 11th, 2024 at 09:50 PM. Reason: solved
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer --glenn
I just want to use replacements, websafe substitutes instead of the microsoft fonts. Just use the fonts that come with Ubuntu anyway. The developers of Ubuntu have even provided a Ubuntu font family. https://design.ubuntu.com/font In applications like LibreOffice Writer and Calc you will find a long list of free and open source font families. Microsoft TrueType fonts will only appear in that list if we have deliberately installed the free to download and install ttf-mscorefonts. These are old font families that Microsoft mistaken removed the copyright to and then regretted it but could not reclaim them as copyright. I do not think that more modern MS font families are free to download and use. We would only get access to the modern fonts if we install a Microsoft application that uses MS fonts. And to do that we would need to purchase a MS licience. Regards
It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things. Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530
If I understand what you're asking correctly, I replace with the following, which I think are correct: Times New Roman - Dejavu Serif Arial - Dejavu Sans Calibri - Carlito Cambria - Caladea Those are the common ones. Although in LibreOffice you can replace them with whatever you want via the replacement table.
The Redhat Liberation fonts were designed to fix the font compatibility issues: https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/liberation-fonts
Italo Vignoli of The Document Foundation published a LibreOffice HOWTO explaining how he configures font substitution when a document needs to be shared with a Word user. It's quite a handy little tutorial, I keep it bookmarked: https://blog.documentfoundation.org/...crosoft-fonts/ Good luck.
Originally Posted by speartip If I understand what you're asking correctly, I replace with the following, which I think are correct: Times New Roman - Dejavu Serif Arial - Dejavu Sans Calibri - Carlito Cambria - Caladea Those are the common ones. Although in LibreOffice you can replace them with whatever you want via the replacement table. Thanks, that's what I was looking for! I remember Caladea and Carlito. Thanks also HermanAB.
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