I had installed an SSD drive that I put Ubuntu 20.04 on in a partition. It was also partitioned as D: drive in Windows. It worked fine for awhile. Then I started experiencing issues before when it didn't give the option to choose Windows on boot, unless I chose in bios, and it went to a grub terminal, which I would have to exit from. But I upgraded to 22.04 and I think around then it started giving the option to log into Windows again, though it still went to grub on boot. Now I can't access Ubuntu at all, and D: drive on Windows can't be read. It may be an issue with the extra SSD drive, but in Windows it shows no issues in disk management, just the D: drive shows up as RAW, but the partition for Ubuntu is still there. I ran boot repair and got the boot info. I uploaded it and can share the info here if someone may have ideas on how to fix. If it may just be an issue with the SSD drive, I'm not sure if I should trust it and install Ubuntu again, or get another.
There's no recommended repair, the boot repair info just says
Suggested repair: __________________________________________________ ____________
The default repair of the Boot-Repair utility would not act on the MBR.
Additional repair would be performed: win-legacy-basic-fix