Using ubuntu 22.04 with HP-Z1-G8-Tower-Desktop-PC
I've played a little with building softwares from source and maybe because of messing with the apt packages or the upgrade from 3 days ago might have bugged my ubuntu
and rebooting after building (freecad and wXWidgets) the keyboard and mouse are unresponsive.
Now I've heards somewhere you can enter from the grub menu the recovery mode and from the bash terminal there input some commands to fix the apt no keyboard and mouse detection error
but all I'm able to access beyond the ubuntu is the HP Bios "Start up" Menu by pressing esc repeatedly and in the boot menu choose the "UEFI-ubuntu" options which just boots to the same stuck logins screen
(Holding shift after the bios intro don't pop the grub menu)
What are other methods to access that mono color screen of how'd access the system bash externally if for example I want to use and external nvme reader to fix it?