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Thread: Ubuntu Unity 24.04 (beta) - Any experiences on upgrade / fresh install?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Ubuntu Unity 24.04 (beta) - Any experiences on upgrade / fresh install?

    hi all,

    does anybody has experiences on upgrading to ubuntu unity 24.04 from an 23..10 installation?
    to be honest, i don't even know the main differences between an upgrade or fresh install regarding this flavor.

    i'm (test)installing the beta right now on an older acer aspire e1 - and although the installer finished with an error message saying the install failed, it boot's and is updating right now and looks not bad so far.
    unfortunately the "official" unity forum is down since several month, that's why i'm trying to possibly get some community interaction in this thread.

    thanks and have a great sunday, best, me (-:

    edit: the fresh install of the beta on the aspire looks pretty stable, and, pretty performant as well (-:

    Last edited by jauntyjackalope2; April 21st, 2024 at 10:58 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Ubuntu Unity 24.04 (beta) - Any experiences on upgrade / fresh install?

    24.04 is four days shy of release and I would expect an upgrade facilitated by the developer will be available soon like the other Ubuntu flavors. You can also wait until the 25th or when the the developers post a link to the final release.
    Last edited by Frogs Hair; April 23rd, 2024 at 02:27 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Ubuntu Unity 24.04 (beta) - Any experiences on upgrade / fresh install?

    Quote Originally Posted by jauntyjackalope2 View Post
    does anybody has experiences on upgrading to ubuntu unity 24.04 from an 23..10 installation?
    to be honest, i don't even know the main differences between an upgrade or fresh install regarding this flavor.

    No I don't have any experience.. but I'll still provide some thoughts.

    - I've seen many reports of problems in the release-upgrade process, but the focus currently is on release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (RC still hasn't been released) where the ISO release is for NEW installs, not release-upgrades.

    You can see status best via watching this page

    Where post-release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (which includes all flavors such as Ubuntu Unity) the focus will switch to release-upgrades from mantic or 23.10 first, and when that's considered stable a change to the meta file will be made, as its only after this change that installed systems will detect the release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (ie. ISO release won't installed systems, ISO is for new installs).

    The Ubuntu Release team usually meet early in the week to discuss the status of the upgrade path and decide if it's ready.. and then re-assess that until a decision is made it's ready and the meta file gets changed. If people don't want to wait, they can always use `-d` which causes a different meta file to be used (that option allows QA).

    beta ISO warning

    Please don't test the beta ISO if you're still doing install testing. The beta is a daily ISO that is just named the beta as its a key milestone, and the production of daily ISOs is paused for the weekend... after which they restart up & thus the beta ISO is now very old. If however you've installed the system & performed normal upgrades; you're system is very close to RC status & far from what was released as beta now.

    If you discover bugs, please file them.

    release-upgrade versus install

    What release you install with sets many defaults... With flavors the ISO of 22.04 will dictate if you're using a GA or HWE kernel stack for example (22.04 & 22.04.1 ISOs install the GA stack for Ubuntu Unity, 22.04.2 & later install the HWE stack)... as example, so if you release-upgrade that default will continue into the next release... (even if the newer release changed the default behavior)... ie. a release-upgrade will make the minimal changes to your system required to get to the next system.

    If you clean install a new release, you'll have all the behaviors of the new release, and none of the prior defaults/behaviors will be present.. It may thus feel a newer system as it'll have more differences than a release-upgrade where many behaviors remained unchanged.

    I've used the kernel stack as an easy example... (eg. if your install was 22.04.3 media you installed the HWE kernel stack.. if you release-upgrade to 24.04 you'll remain on HWE.. however a clean install of 24.04 will install the GA kernel stack for Ubuntu Unity.. a difference you may not notice at first.. but you will over time), but there are many changes that occur over time, including file-system permissions & more.

    Most users will probably not notice these differences though... happy only when their system works.
    Last edited by guiverc; April 25th, 2024 at 12:47 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Ubuntu Unity 24.04 (beta) - Any experiences on upgrade / fresh install?

    thank you very much for your replies! guiverc, especially for the material, knowledge and posted links! i'm coming back to this with a bit more time, to be able to respond adequately.

    best, me (-:

    p.s. i didn't find a possibility to somehow "vote up"/value your contribution, otherwise id' have done so.

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