I don't trust Gnome Disks. It is dumbed down too much.
Use gparted instead. It is easier, but only for partitioning. It doesn't mount or check SMART data.
For mounting, use the /etc/fstab text configuration file. Admins should be the only people mounting storage. For sometimes mounted storage, you might want to use autofs. That's up to you.
To run a SMART test, install smartmontools package, then run a short test on the whole drive you are worried about. For an NVMe SSD, SMART won't show much. For SATA SSDs, it will match what HDDs have. The smartctl -t short command needs at least 1 option, but if you have a non-standard controller or it is going through a USB connection, it is more likely to need the controller card specified. Of my 20 HDDs, only 4 need this, so it isn't THAT common, but it is a flexible aspect of the smartmontools package team.
Anyway, smartctl will provide an estimated time to completion. For SSDs it will be 1 or 2 minutes. For HDDs, it might be 2-10 minutes for the short test. Long tests, which I run monthly, can require 24 hrs for large disks.
$ sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sda
When the tests complete, then you can request a report from smartctl.
$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | less
If you need more specifics about smartctl, there are a few threads here about it.
That's one possible way to figure out if the hardware is showing problems. Look at the raw data field in the far right. You want 0 for all of them, unless they are non-error/non-relocated counts or power on hours.
If a file system is corrupt, in Unix there's something called fsck - file system check. The file system cannot be mounted when the check is running, so if it is part of the OS storage that is corrupt, you'll need to boot into rescue mode (under the Advanced Grub boot menu) or boot into a Try Ubuntu environment that all Desktop ISO flash drives/install drives allow. From the running Try Ubuntu OS, open a terminal and run fsck against all the native Linux file systems. It doesn't work for NTFS, exFAT, FAT32 or other foreign file systems. It doesn't work for ZFS or BTRFS either, to my knowledge. You'll need to understand partition device names. DO NOT RUN FSCK on the whole disk device. That could be bad, though I hope fsck would prevent it, since it is extremely common.
You can google for how-to use fsck if you need more help.
fsck and smartctl work the same regardless of which flavor of Linux you run. Most Linux systems will have the same device naming standards too. I've never seen any that varied, but I haven't seen everything.
A handy book, free, no-hassle download to help you with working at the CLI/shell: https://www.linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php Good to have a copy local.