Hi guys , i have a hardisk 2TB fanxiang SSD model M.2 2280 sata ssd i have installed ubuntu server 23.10 with openbox , and other apps , i used 100GB , i have free space 1.76 TB when i try to copy my virtual machine (total size is 300gb ) to other HDD start to copy and at half tell me i not have space , how is possible that ? thanks
Can you post the output of lsblk -fmp | grep -v snap so we can see what's there please.
sorry but now not enter in the disk ,probably is demage or similar , i attach in usb and in this mode i can see and recover data but also by usb if i try to put data tell me i not have space soon i try to format in ext4 , not in LVM and retry to test thanks so much fopr rply
What do you mean by 'free space'? Do you have a filesystem on a Linux formatted partition? You indicate you have 'used' 100GB, what does that mean? Does that mean you have a 100GB partition? Or do you have 100GB of data on a much larger partition? If the latter, how large is the partition? With questions like this, it is usually a good idea to post at least the output of the df -h command (shows mounted partitions , size and space used) and the output of sudo parted -l or fdisk -l.
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