Hm, surely, I've not seen that Adobe was outdated for Linux. It seens that another applications are also in this situation. Before I was installing Adobe PDF, I tried Foxit PDF Reader coming from my Windows experience, but here in Ubuntu this app is very different from Windows, without many functionalities and the GUI was very limited comparing to Windows version.
Btw, only for the experience, as we know that Adobe PDF is not anymore updated for Linux, I ran the Adobe from Terminal as @DennisN suggested and found a similar error.
./acroread: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I didn't find this library from Ubuntu's package website and also when I run the sudo apt-get install libBIB it doesn't find the related package. If anyone can find any information about this or if I'm comitting a mistake, please share with me.
So, now I will try Okular PDF or adapt my workspace to use the Document Viewer.
Even though, thanks for all of your help and knowledge given, I will pay more attention about app's version next time. We shall continue our journey.