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Thread: Help Installing Remarkable Desktop App

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Question Help Installing Remarkable Desktop App

    I recently bought a remarkable 2 tablet and wanted to install their desktop app but I'm not sure what the best solution is for doing that. There is a snap available; but, as of this writing, was last updated almost a year ago. If I use that I'm concerned whether I'll get all the most up to date features. If I install from the remarkable web site (their official source) I have to run it in wine; which, for me, is a big fat nope! And even running it in wine may be deprecated and not work at all anymore. I don't like the options I'm seeing so far. Is there a better option than the ones I've mentioned so far? If the snap does give me all the latest greatest functionality then I would definitely go for that but I don't know how to tell if that's the case or not. Does anyone have experience with this and could offer some guidance?

    Snap (is up to date with latest features?):

    Remarkable Wiki (speaks of running in wine):

    Remarkable Help Page (may not be available for linux now):

    Running Ubuntu 22.04.3 on an HP Envy laptop

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Help Installing Remarkable Desktop App

    did you manage?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Help Installing Remarkable Desktop App

    Quote Originally Posted by Br11 View Post
    did you manage?
    Not yet

    afaict there is not solution so I've resorted to shaming the folks at reMarkable for excluding us..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Help Installing Remarkable Desktop App

    The snap is just a really big bash script named "sommelier" packaged as a snap that can download the Windows version and configure wine (installed as a snap, of course) to install and run that.

    Running Windows software with wine can often work quite well, especially if the developers of the software intended the program to be run this way.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Help Installing Remarkable Desktop App

    Quote Originally Posted by Holger_Gehrke View Post
    The snap is just a really big bash script named "sommelier" packaged as a snap that can download the Windows version and configure wine (installed as a snap, of course) to install and run that.

    Running Windows software with wine can often work quite well, especially if the developers of the software intended the program to be run this way.

    I see! Well, personally, I have a very strong aversion to using wine. Maybe its because of my experience with it back in the day when it was fairly new and very VERY glitchy - idk. Maybe I'm a fool but I think it would take some kind of act of God or something to get me to change my mind. I do sincerely appreciate finding this out tho.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Fwiw I did end up trying the snap. The snap installed; then, when I launched remarkable-desktop wine said it was installing the .exe but was taking forever so I went back to a project I'm working on and about 45 min passed before I though about it again. When I went back there was still the progress window with wine installing the .exe (still). It looked like nothing had changed. So I closed the window and removed remarkable-desktop. It's a real shame. Remarkable is built on open source even with an embedded linux distro as the foundation of it all and they can't make a linux port of their desktop app available. They force you to pay for features and then cut out a whole segment of users. Even if you do pay - if you are a linux user - you still won't have the privilege of some of the most useful features.
    Last edited by blahboybaz; January 10th, 2024 at 10:06 AM.

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