Hi after some trouble I've got my DDNS system running. BIND9 and isc-dhcp-server. This should be the base for ORACLE DNS. Now to the problem. I have to define a subdomain, for example cluster.darkwing.net. The problem is, that ORACLE will send dhcp requests to this subdomain like this. NODE1-VIP.RACA.cluster.darkwing.net NODE2-VIP.RACA.cluster.darkwing.net .... Of course, I could define the domain in dhcp RACA.cluster.darkwing.net. However, if I setup another cluster the requests would be: NODE1-VIP.RACB.cluster.darkwing.net NODE2-VIP.RACB.cluster.darkwing.net And this will fail, as RACB.cluster.darkwing.net is not defined. The only solution I have in mind is to define different subnets for each domain. Is there any other solution to get around this? Thanks alot Christian
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