Hello everyone, there is a video on a website that I can play normally on Windows, but the video on the website cannot be played on the Ubuntu system. what should I do? Can this be solved with a Google Chrome extension?
What video codec does the video use? Is there any DRM involved? If so, which method/tool is used? Some DRM is MS-Windows-only.
I don't know, but the relevant personnel of the company told me that the video needs to be encoded, or there is no video decoder
Have you tried another browser like Firefox?
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Firefox will show that the video format and MIME type were not found
Perhaps a link to that video, assuming that its content is acceptable to both you and this forum, might allow us to solve this more easily. So far all we know is that it is a video.
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Originally Posted by wilienz I don't know, but the relevant personnel of the company told me that the video needs to be encoded, or there is no video decoder Does ffmpeg know what it is? Will mpv play it? Will VLC play it? Both those players can handle specific video URLs.
We're all spinning our wheels if you can't provide a link to the video.
https://wrraw-1309107969.cos.ap-guan...t_265_fast.mp4 ,This connection is a video link, but it seems that it cannot be accessed through the external network environment.
Yup, that's no help. At least we learned that it's an MP4 file. I've distributed mp4 files to a wide variety of viewers on wildly different platforms. I always encode with H.264 for video and AAC for audio. Works pretty much everywhere and across all browsers.
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