Hello, i am new to this forum and i have read the code of conduct. I have a problem In Kubuntu 23.10, when i open firefox in wayland mode on KDE (kubuntu desktop), it starts using the default gnome adwaita cursor instead of the breeze one. This seems strange. This does Not happen on Xorg Mode. Here is what i mean: https://ibb.co/Zz8rGyk (expires after 3 weeks) https://pasteboard.co/aVlMXsinTb3X.png (Fallback Link) Is there any way to solve this problem? Help Is appreciated!
Last edited by leonardoplays25; October 25th, 2023 at 01:07 PM. Reason: Added fallback link
closing this because it's an issue with the snap version of firefox, if i used the flatpak version or deb ppa version (tested both on vm), then it shows the right cursor.
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