Ah. If someone doesn't have a few years of Server experience, then alpine would be a challenge. But desire and passion can make up for all sorts of deficiencies.
The learning curve on Ubuntu Server is steep enough for someone without at least a year experience at a terminal.
There's a reason many of us here use Ubuntu Server - it tends to have slightly newer, but stable packages compared to Debian Stable. There are many nice packages installed to make life comfortable and it still provides the customization we need/want in a server. There are a few things in Ubuntu Server that I don't want installed too, so I remove them. What to remove is a matter of taste.
If you remove too much, and break the system, you'll learn a bunch, so be certain you have snapshots or backups or better, both before heading that direction. If you don't have the skills do accomplish those things ... back up and learn those first. Then you can worry about removing packages and looking for negative impacts.
My leanest ubuntu server
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
lxd/containers/back18 30G 531M 30G 2% /
So it is using 531MB of storage. That's an LXC container. LXC containers aren't a sparse as a Docker container. They have a different philosophy and use more storage. But once you care that much, it is time to move to something like alpine, IMHO.
A stock Ubuntu 22.04 server, with snapd removed:
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg--00-lv--0 9.8G 4.5G 4.8G 49% /
/dev/vda2 739M 400M 286M 59% /boot
seems to use 5G of storage.
So, if you want lean, use containers, not full installs.