Installed xubuntu 20.04 and unable to configure for auto log-in (that is, bypass the log-in screen, go directly to desktop.)

The machine is personal use only, so log-in screens are redundant impediment (hence, replies to this inquiry admonishing use of log-in dialog is not helpful.)

What I've tried:

system > user settings > password = not asked at log-in
(what this accomplishes - the unwanted log-in dialog box still appears, but there is no longer a password input request.)

edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to include autologin-session=xubuntu
(what this accomplishes - nothing, unlike xubuntu 18.04 where this provided the desired behavior)

copy /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/
(what this accomplishes - nothing)

As this is the only "barrier of entry" to migration to xubunu 20.04 (from 18.04), assistance would be appreciated.

Side note - attempted migration to xubuntu 22.04, however, video driver does not properly support the machine and boot-up time is several seconds slower, so focusing on 20.04)