Hey guys, so I recently installed Ubuntu 23.04 on my HP Omen 15 as a dual boot with Windows 10 and my BIOS doesn't seem to recognize Ubuntu as a viable boot options. However when I press F9 before startup and access the HP boot override it is listed there. Is there any way to fix this? I have tried updating grub already.
Can you successfully boot Ubuntu via the dedicated boot key F9?
Yes I can normally boot into grub using F9
I'm struggling to fully understand what you want to accomplish. As Ubuntu appears in your PC boot menu via F9, it is, therefore, recognised by the HP UEFI settings. Do you want Ubuntu to be the priority boot and allow grub to also control booting Windows?
See Boot-Repair in my signature below and follow the instructions there to run the Boot-Info-Script. Do not run the default repair just yet but simply copy back here the pastebin link you get which will show us a lot more about your system.
Code-tags --- Boot-Repair --- Grub2 wiki & Grub2 Basics --- RootSudo --- Wireless-Info --- SolvedThreads --- System-Info-Script
Right, sorry for taking so long I had to deal with irl stuff, here's the pastebin : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kXgVqWfzW7/
HP seems to be the only vendor to not recognize boot order changes with efibootmgr. Grub install uses efibootmgr to change boot order. You can see boot order here, Same as shown starting at line 63 in report.: sudo efibootmgr -v Most with HP find they can change boot order in UEFI settings (not UEFI boot menu). There should be a boot tab in the settings menu. HP - escape + F9 for UEFI boot menu, F10 for UEFI/bios settings One of many HP users: hp 250 g3 Change boot order in UEFI settings https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2467077 Note that Windows updates may reset boot order or UEFI settings back to defaults. It may also update Windows settings to turn on fast startup & then grub will not boot Windows. Both Windows & Ubuntu/grub on major updates reset boot order. But HP is exception.
UEFI boot install & repair info - Regularly Updated : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295 Please use Thread Tools above first post to change to [Solved] when/if answered completely.
Right, I can't do that, is there anything else I can try or am I doomed to spamming f9 to start Ubuntu?
Some with HP posted it was under a sub-menu or they had to turn off Secure Boot. You may need to review manual from HP for your model.
Originally Posted by p1k1p1k1 Right, I can't do that, is there anything else I can try or am I doomed to spamming f9 to start Ubuntu? Not sure yet, let's investigate further. Can you access your UEFI settings via F10 Disable TPM Disable Secure Boot Disable Legacy Support System Configuration > Boot Options > OS Boot Manager Any options under OS Boot Manager?
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