I installed Ubuntu 22.04.3 and upgraded all updates...
Why is not it 22.04.6 now?
Do I have to add some Oficial Canonical PPA?
What am I missing?
I installed Ubuntu 22.04.3 and upgraded all updates...
Why is not it 22.04.6 now?
Do I have to add some Oficial Canonical PPA?
What am I missing?
Nothing.What am I missing?
It's as up to date as up to date it can be.
Current point release is 22.04.3.
Splat Double Splat Triple Splat
Earn Your Keep
Don't mind me, I'm only passing through.
Once in a blue moon, I'm actually helpful.
Hey beirute2
You are not missing a thing
22.04.3 is current - will be a couple of years yet before we see the .6 release.sysop@x2204mini:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
Thank you!
Just simple lol