contact info for admins ? trying to registernick acceptedemail address acceptedno activation email (not in spam)resend fails with "An error occurred: The requested URL or resource could not be found."going on some 30h I can^t ask there as I am not registered there which is the whole point chicken & egg already tried IRC suggestions?
Last edited by spamhog; August 29th, 2023 at 04:47 PM.
PM me here at UbuntuForums with the nick you chose for Discourse and I will look into it. I'm not an admin there, but I have some access, and escalate if needed.
Dunno why you want to go there, but have fun.
Issues with Lubuntu's discourse are probably best handled by myself. I'm also an aussie, thus the best times on IRC are those when I'm awake; I suspect your local timezone isn't AEST as you left this post around 2AM local time. You can post here (I'll want the username you used, or attempted to use in order to look up what happened), PM me, or look out for my username (inc. on IRC). Chris.
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