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Thread: How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?

    I want to move one of my machines to Ubuntu Mate, however, I find a problem with the way Mate is configured: you have a panel on the bottom and a panel on the top, which added to the program title bar, wastes a lot of space for my taste.

    I was testing distros and I found out that what I want is how Solus has configured Mate, as it is closer to the way I work today. It looks very much like Windows, which is a configuration I find very logic to me: only one taskbar, star menu bellow, system tray etc.

    By the way, I know KDE is closer, but the problem is the way it handles many open windows: Solus-Mate keeps making the icons smaller, and smaller, just like windows. KDE, as soon as you hit 5 or 6 open windows of the same program, it combines them into one, and I don't like that.

    However, since I am more used to Ubuntu, I was wondering if anybody know how to replicate what they have done in Solus-Mate? Thanks.
    Last edited by ajgreeny; August 30th, 2023 at 08:00 PM. Reason: Huge images replaced by links.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    melbourne, au
    Lubuntu Development Release

    Re: How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?

    Have you tried looking at what the Solus system uses, what apps etc. are used.

    I've no experience with Solus myself, but I've have moved Fedora, OpenSuSE, Linux Mint, Debian & CentOS systems to Ubuntu and kept the same configs so the operation remained the same (only OS underneath the desktop changed to a Ubuntu base).

    Some distributions also alter some components, eg. I'm using Lubuntu currently; which means I'm using a LXQt desktop and using Openbox as my WM. If I was to install Debian with LXQt that system would not install with Openbox but xfwm4 as the default WM; ie. I'd also have to change the default WM to get the same operation between Ubuntu and Debian with LXQt. It's tiny differences like that, plus configs/themes etc that are all I'd expect. Comparison should show these rather easily I suspect. Have you looked

    If you'd like to replace an existing Solus system with Ubuntu (inc. Ubuntu-MATE !) I've written an answer here that maybe useful - being what I used to convert OpenSuSE/Fedora/Debian/CentOS/.. that I have switched to Ubuntu systems and having the same operation.

    I reinstalled a system today; and whilst almost everything looked good.. it still looked slightly different.. until I realized I'd omitted a font (thus text looked slightly different). Those little details (what theme, what font, DM being used, etc) usually aren't difficult to spot; keep a Solus setup on another nearby box or VM until you've worked out the tiny differences.

    MATE allows easy configuration of many default setups, and both do NOT use two panels. What you're after maybe just as easy as changing the theme. Note: theme options vary on release of MATE being used, thus release of Ubuntu/Ubuntu-MATE matters in contrast to version of MATE in Solus. Newer MATE has dropped two themes if I recall correctly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?


    I normally try to use the systems with the least changes as possible. Not because I don't know how to or I cannot learn to do it, but because the more things I need to change, the more work each time I have to install/reinstall.

    But in this case, the way Solus' Mate works, is so so much how I like it, that is crazy.

    I have no idea what the Solus system uses, what apps etc. I mean, I know I downloaded the MATE version (I tried the KDE version, but the way KDE handles the task bar is not how I like it).

    If I was to compare, how should I? Is it about config files? Or is it about something else?

    I would try the themes part and get back here if I can't fix it. Thanks for responding.
    Last edited by kwanbis; August 29th, 2023 at 04:16 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?

    Hello. This will be fairly easy to do. Step 1 is install Ubuntu Mate. Step 2 would be to use the same theme. I will have a look which themes they use and write back. You should be able to extract all the relevant info from the live session but I'll have a look for you now...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?

    You basically need these two themes 1) Qogir Dark GTK3 theme 2) Papirus Dark icon theme

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    melbourne, au
    Lubuntu Development Release

    Re: How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by kwanbis View Post
    If I was to compare, how should I? Is it about config files? Or is it about something else?

    I would try the themes part and get back here if I can't fix it. Thanks for responding.
    You've already got an answer related to the themes, but you can gain a lot of knowledge about the system with some very simple (and common) tools.


    guiverc@d7050-next:/lts/home/guiverc$   neofetch --off
    OS: Lubuntu Mantic Minotaur (development branch) x86_64 
    Host: OptiPlex 7050 
    Kernel: 6.3.0-7-generic 
    Uptime: 1 day, 50 mins 
    Packages: 2935 (dpkg), 11 (snap) 
    Shell: bash 5.2.15 
    Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080, 1920x1080, 1280x1024, 1280x1024 
    DE: LXQt 1.3.0 
    WM: Xfwm4 
    WM Theme: Pills 
    Theme: Greybird [GTK2/3] 
    Icons: oxygen [GTK2/3] 
    Terminal: qterminal 
    Terminal Font: IBM Plex Mono Text 14 
    CPU: Intel i5-6500 (4) @ 3.600GHz 
    GPU: AMD ATI Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series 
    GPU: Intel HD Graphics 530 
    Memory: 5642MiB / 15842MiB
    This shows my OS/release, desktop, my WM, themes detail etc. (I only used --off as the ascii logo doesn't help here)

    By comparing that to a live system of Lubuntu mantic I'd expect to see differences in the WM, my themes, my terminal font etc.

    Yes on occasion little differences may require me to go further, eg. if a specific app is different I'd likely compare versions of the app which may explain it.. or even dig down into .conf files for some apps; but most differences can be detected by info tools like `neofetch` I used above easily. Whilst `neofetch` won't show many font values (terminal is shown only), those fonts are usually pretty easy to detect & explore using the DEsktops own setting tools.

    ps: when screenshots are posted; they often include `neofetch` in the screenshot as it saves people from asking what font/theme/wm etc was being used & thus saving replies...
    Last edited by guiverc; August 31st, 2023 at 12:22 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by

    ps: when screenshots are posted; they often include `neofetch` in the screenshot as it saves people from asking what font/theme/wm etc was being used & thus saving replies...[/I]
    Haha how did I even forget about neofetch. Would have saved me lots of work with the screenshots. Anyways, I think OP is not too used to theming so I guess the screenshots will help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: How can I make Ubuntu Mate look like Solus Mate?

    OK, so you say that by applying those two themes, the bar on top would disappear and I would only have one panel then?

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