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Thread: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

  1. #1
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    LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    What is with ldm WM (Gnome) options? When I select the WM options menu in ldm, this is what I see:

    I understand, accept, and am happy to see these options at the bottom:

    GNOME on Xorg
    GNOME on Wayland
    But that should be it. Next you can see:

    GNOME Classic on Xorg
    GNOME Classic on Wayland
    I am uninterested in running Classic versions of Gnome.

    What happens next is really strange:

    GNOME Classic
    GNOME Classic
    It doesn't specify which protocol, whether Xorg or Wayland.

    How do I prune / delete / remove all of these redundant and non-descript options?
    My rig:
    IBM Personal System/2 Model 30-286 - - Intel 80286 (16 bit) 10 Mhz - - 1MB DRAM - - Integrated VGA Display adapter
    1.44MB capacity Floppy Disk - - PS/2 keyboard (no mouse)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    There should be .desktop files for sessions in '/usr/share/xsessions/'. Moving them out of that directory should remove them from the list. You can tell which file is which by checking the 'name=' lines in the files.


  3. #3
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    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    Here are the contents of /usr/share/xsessions:

    $ pwd
    $ ls -la
    total 28
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root root  4096 Aug 29 16:46 .
    drwxr-xr-x 362 root root 12288 Aug 29 16:46 ..
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Aug 21 04:51 bax2k23Aug21
    -rw-r--r--   1 root root  7915 Apr  9 19:56 gnome-xorg.desktop
    Rather than deleting/removing, I just created a backup directory and moved all the ones I didn't like into them like so:

    $ cd bax2k23Aug21 
    $ pwd
    $ ls -la
    total 44
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 21 04:51 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Aug 29 16:46 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  984 Aug 10 18:08 e16-gnome2-session.desktop
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  211 Aug 10 18:08 e16-gnome3-session.desktop
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  969 Aug 10 18:08 e16-kde-session.desktop
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8139 Apr 28 20:21 gnome-classic.desktop
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7617 Apr 28 20:21 gnome-classic-xorg.desktop
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7830 Apr  9 19:56 gnome.desktop
    So I did what you recommended, @AgoHolger_Gehrke. Some of the options are gone. Thank you. See here: That's progress. But there are some that are still not necessary.

    ldm now presents:
    GNOME Classic
    GNOME Classic on Wayland
    GNOME on Wayland
    GNOME on Xorg
    How do I prune these further so that I only see:
    GNOME on Wayland
    GNOME on Xorg
    How do I get rid of all those "Classic" options as well as the non-descript "GNOME"?

    Where else on a Linux system with ldm as the greeter might configurations be stored for me to change to achieve the desired end result?
    Last edited by Drone4four; August 30th, 2023 at 12:53 AM. Reason: grammar
    My rig:
    IBM Personal System/2 Model 30-286 - - Intel 80286 (16 bit) 10 Mhz - - 1MB DRAM - - Integrated VGA Display adapter
    1.44MB capacity Floppy Disk - - PS/2 keyboard (no mouse)

  4. #4
    #&thj^% is offline I Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am
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    Aug 2016

    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    for myself I just:
    ls /usr/share/xsessions/
    kodi.desktop  xfce.desktop
    remove the one I don't want::
    sudo rm /usr/share/xsessions/kodi.desktop
    a check with:
    ls /usr/share/xsessions/
    BTW Kodi still works I just want cleared out of view.

    BUT THE BEST is to back it up:
    sudo mv /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-classic.desktop gnome-classic.desktop.backup

  5. #5
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    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    Hi @Ago1fallen, Thank you for your reply. Although you recommend that I remove or backup the `.desktop` files in `/usr/share/xsessions` that I do not want. Not sure if you ready my most recent post, but I thought I explained I already tried what you said and it is still not working for me.
    My rig:
    IBM Personal System/2 Model 30-286 - - Intel 80286 (16 bit) 10 Mhz - - 1MB DRAM - - Integrated VGA Display adapter
    1.44MB capacity Floppy Disk - - PS/2 keyboard (no mouse)

  6. #6
    #&thj^% is offline I Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am
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    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    This is where they are stored, *something else is in the way then, and yes i read your post #3
    So show us this:
    apt policy gdm3

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    Two things I'd try:
    1. Take a look at the contents of the desktop file you've left in the directory (normal desktop files should only define exactly one item, but who knows ... ; .desktop files are just normal text files, so 'less' or your favourite editor will work).
    2. Move the backups somewhere outside of /usr/share/xsessions in case the search for desktop files is recursive


  8. #8
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    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    Quote Originally Posted by Holger_Gehrke View Post
    Two things I'd try:
    Move the backups somewhere outside of /usr/share/xsessions in case the search for desktop files is recursive
    Thank you for the suggestion @Holger_Gehrke. I moved the backups out from /usr/share/xessions into my home directory. The contents of /usr/share/xessions now look like this:

    $ cd /usr/share/xsessions 
    $ ls -la
    total 24
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Sep  4 07:57 .
    drwxr-xr-x 362 root root 12288 Sep  4 07:56 ..
    -rw-r--r--   1 root root  7915 Apr  9 19:56 gnome-xorg.desktop
    I rebooted. ldm is still presenting 3 unnecessary entries:

    GNOME Classic
    GNOME Classic on Wayland
    GNOME on Wayland
    GNOME on Xorg
    I am still trying to get ldm to only present the final 2 in the above list.

    Take a look at the contents of the desktop file you've left in the directory (normal desktop files should only define exactly one item, but who knows ... ; .desktop files are just normal text files, so 'less' or your favourite editor will work).
    Here are the contents of that one and only `gnome-xorg.desktop` file in `/usr/share/xessions/`:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name[ab]=GNOME  Xorg аҟны
    Name[af]=GNOME op Xorg
    Name[an]=GNOME en Xorg
    Name[be]=GNOME на Xorg
    Name[bg]=GNOME с Xorg
    Name[bn_IN]=Xorg এ জিনোম
    Name[ca]=GNOME damunt Xorg
    Name[ca@valencia]=GNOME en Xorg
    Name[cs]=GNOME na Xorg
    Name[da]=GNOME pĺ Xorg
    Name[de]=GNOME unter Xorg
    Name[el]=GNOME σε Xorg
    Name[en_GB]=GNOME on Xorg
    Name[eo]=GNOME je Xorg
    Name[es]=GNOME en Xorg
    Name[et]=GNOME Xorg’iga
    Name[eu]=GNOME Xorg gainean
    Name[fa]=گنوم روی زورگ
    Name[fi]=Gnome Xorgia käyttäen
    Name[fr]=GNOME sur Xorg
    Name[fur]=GNOME su Xorg
    Name[gd]=GNOME air Xorg
    Name[gl]=GNOME en Xorg
    Name[gu]=Xorg પર GNOME
    Name[he]=‏GNOME על גבי Xorg
    Name[hr]=GNOME na Xorgu
    Name[hu]=GNOME Xorgon
    Name[id]=GNOME pada Xorg
    Name[is]=GNOME á Xorg
    Name[it]=GNOME su Xorg
    Name[ja]=GNOME on Xorg
    Name[ka]=GNOME Xorg-ზე
    Name[kab]=GNOME ɣef Xorg
    Name[kk]=Xorg негізіндегі GNOME
    Name[ko]=그놈 (Xorg)
    Name[lt]=GNOME Xorg aplinkoje
    Name[lv]=GNOME ar Xorg
    Name[mjw]=GNOME on Xorg
    Name[ml]=ഗ്നോം Xorg ല്*
    Name[ms]=GNOME di Xorg
    Name[nb]=GNOME pĺ Xorg
    Name[ne]=Xorg मा जिनोम
    Name[nl]=Gnome op Xorg
    Name[oc]=GNOME sus Xorg
    Name[pa]=Xorg ਉੱਤੇ ਗਨੋਮ
    Name[pl]=GNOME (Xorg)
    Name[pt]=GNOME em Xorg
    Name[pt_BR]=GNOME sobre Xorg
    Name[ro]=GNOME pe Xorg
    Name[ru]=GNOME на Xorg
    Name[sk]=GNOME cez Xorg
    Name[sl]=GNOME na sistemu Xorg
    Name[sr]=Гном на Икс серверу
    Name[sr@latin]=Gnom na Iks serveru
    Name[sv]=GNOME med Xorg
    Name[th]=GNOME ใน Xorg
    Name[tr]=Xorg üzerinde GNOME
    Name[uk]=GNOME через Xorg
    Name[zh_CN]=GNOME Xorg
    Name[zh_TW]=GNOME 採行 Xorg
    Name=GNOME on Xorg
    Comment[ab]=Ари асеанс GNOME аҭалара азин шәнаҭоит 
    Comment[af]=Die sessie laat u by GNOME aanmeld
    Comment[an]=Ista sesión accede a GNOME
    Comment[ar]=تولجك هذه الجلسة في جنوم
    Comment[as]=এই অধিবেশনে আপোনাক GNOME ত লগিন কৰায়
    Comment[ast]=Esta sesión conéuta-y a GNOME
    Comment[be]=Сеанс уваходу ў GNOME
    Comment[be@latin]=Hetaja sesija ŭruchamlaje GNOME
    Comment[bg]=Влизане в GNOME
    Comment[bn]=এই সেশনের মাধ্যমে GNOME-এ লগ-ইন করা যাবে
    Comment[bn_IN]=এই সেশানের মাধ্যমে GNOME-এ লগ-ইন করা যাবে
    Comment[br]=An estez-mań a lug ac'hanoc'h davet GNOME
    Comment[bs]=Ova sesija Vas prijavljuje u GNOME
    Comment[ca]=Aquesta sessió us entra al GNOME
    Comment[ca@valencia]=Esta sessió vos entra al GNOME
    Comment[ckb]=به*م دانیشتنه* ئه*که*ویته* ناو گنومه*وه*
    Comment[crh]=Bu oturım sizni GNOME'ğa içeri imzalandırır
    Comment[cs]=Toto sezení vás přihlásí do GNOME
    Comment[da]=Denne session logger dig ind i GNOME
    Comment[de]=Diese Sitzung meldet Sie bei GNOME an
    Comment[dz]=ལཱ་ཡུན་འདི་གིས་ ཁྱོད་ ཇི་ནོམ་ནང་ལུ་ ནང་བསྐྱོད་འབདཝ་ཨིན་ 
    Comment[el]=Αυτή η συνεδρία σας συνδέει στο GNOME
    Comment[en_GB]=This session logs you into GNOME
    Comment[en@shaw]=𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑤𐑪𐑜𐑟 𐑿 𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑫 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥
    Comment[eo]=Ĉi tiu seanco salutas vin en GNOME
    Comment[es]=Esta sesión accede a GNOME
    Comment[et]=Selle seansiga logitakse sind GNOME keskkonda sisse
    Comment[eu]=Saio honek GNOMEn sartuko zaitu
    Comment[fa]=این نشست شما را به گنوم وارد می*کند
    Comment[fi]=Tämä istunto kirjautuu Gnomeen
    Comment[fr]=Cette session vous connecte dans GNOME
    Comment[fur]=Cheste session ti fasarŕ jentrâ in GNOME
    Comment[fy]=Dizze sesje meld jo oan by Gnome
    Comment[ga]=Logálann an seisiún seo thú isteach i nGNOME
    Comment[gd]=Clŕraidh an seisean seo a-steach gu GNOME thu
    Comment[gl]=Esta sesión iniciará en GNOME
    Comment[gu]=આ સત્ર તમને GNOME માં પ્રવેશ આપે છે
    Comment[he]=הפעלה זאת מחברת אותך לשולחן העבודה GNOME
    Comment[hi]=यह सत्र गनोम में लॉगइन होगा
    Comment[hr]=Ova sesija vas prijavljuje u GNOME
    Comment[hu]=Bejelentkezés a GNOME környezetbe
    Comment[id]=Sesi ini melogkan Anda ke dalam GNOME
    Comment[ie]=Ti es li session de GNOME
    Comment[is]=Ţessi seta skráir ţig inn í GNOME
    Comment[it]=Questa sessione esegue l'accesso in GNOME
    Comment[ja]=このセッションで GNOME にログインします
    Comment[ka]=აქედან შეხვალთ GNOME-ში
    Comment[kab]=Tiɣimit-agi ad k-teqqen ɣer GNOME
    Comment[kk]=Бұл сессия арқылы GNOME-ға кіресіз
    Comment[km]=សម័យ​នេះ​ជា​កំណត់​ហេតុ​ដែល​អ្នក​ទៅ​កាន់ GNOME
    Comment[kn]=ಈ ಅಧಿವೇಶನವು ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು GNOME ಗೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸುವಂತೆ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ
    Comment[ko]=이 세션을 사용하면 그놈에 로그인합니다
    Comment[lt]=Šis seansas prijungia jus prie GNOME
    Comment[lv]=Šī sesija ieraksta jūs GNOME vidē
    Comment[mai]=ई सत्र अहाँक गनोममे लागिन दैछ
    Comment[mjw]=Laso session nangli phan GNOME long pon po
    Comment[mk]=Оваа сесија Ве најавува во GNOME
    Comment[ml]=ഈ പ്രവര്*ത്തനവേള നിങ്ങളെ ഗ്നോമിലേക്ക് കയറ്റുന്നു
    Comment[mr]=GNOME मध्ये दाखल करण्याजोगी सत्र लॉग
    Comment[ms]=Sesi ini akan mendaftar masuk ke GNOME
    Comment[nb]=Denne řkten logger inn i GNOME
    Comment[nds]=Düsser Törn mellt dik bi GNOME an
    Comment[ne]=यो सत्र जिनोम लगईन हुन्छ
    Comment[nl]=Deze sessie laat u in Gnome inloggen
    Comment[nn]=Denne řkta loggar inn i GNOME
    Comment[oc]=Aquesta session vos connčcta dins GNOME
    Comment[or]=ଏହି ଅଧିବେଶନ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ନୋମ ରେ ଲଗ କରାଇଥାଏ
    Comment[pa]=ਇਹ ਸ਼ੈਸ਼ਨ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਗਨੋਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਲਾਗ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ
    Comment[pl]=Ta sesja loguje użytkownika do środowiska GNOME
    Comment[ps]=دا ناسته تاسو ګنوم ته ننباسي
    Comment[pt]=Esta sessăo usa o GNOME
    Comment[pt_BR]=Essa sessăo o leva ao GNOME
    Comment[ro]=Această sesiune vă va autentifica în GNOME
    Comment[ru]=Этот сеанс позволяет вам войти в GNOME
    Comment[sk]=Táto relácia vás prihlási do GNOME
    Comment[sl]=Seja omogoča prijavo v namizje GNOME.
    Comment[sr]=Ова сесија вас пријављује у Гном
    Comment[sr@latin]=Ova sesija vas prijavljuje u Gnom
    Comment[sv]=Denna session loggar in dig i GNOME
    Comment[ta]=இந்த அமர்வு க்நோம் இல் உங்களை நுழைக்கும் 
    Comment[te]=ఈ సెషన్ గ్నోమ్*లోనికి లాగ్ చేస్తుంది
    Comment[tg]=Ин ҷаласа шуморо ба GNOME ворид мекунад
    Comment[th]=วาระนี้จะเข้าสู่ GNOME
    Comment[tr]=Bu oturum GNOME’a girmenizi sağlar
    Comment[ug]=بۇ ئەڭگىمە سىزنى گىنومغا ئەكىرىدۇ.
    Comment[uk]=Це — сеанс входу в GNOME
    Comment[uz]=Ushbu seans GNOME'ga kirishingizni taʼminlaydi
    Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Ушбу сеанс GNOME'га киришингизни таъминлайди
    Comment[zh_CN]=此会话将让您登录到 GNOME
    Comment[zh_HK]=這個作業階段讓你登入 GNOME
    Comment[zh_TW]=這個工作階段讓您登入 GNOME
    Comment=This session logs you into GNOME
    As you can see above, there are no instances of GNOME Classic (which are the entries I am trying to get rid of).

    @1fallen writes:

    So show us this:
    $ apt policy gdm3
    Ok it is time for me to come clean. I am not actually running Ubuntu. I am not even running another Linux distro with advanced package tool. I'm running Manjaro. I know you guys are going to kill me but please understand that the reason why I reached out here on the Ubuntu forums is that lightdm-gtk-greeter is a Xubuntu native project. See here:

    I was hoping that Ubuntu forum members might be able to lend their expertise to configuring lightdm which is a distro agnostic app which is maintained by Ubuntu-related developers.
    My rig:
    IBM Personal System/2 Model 30-286 - - Intel 80286 (16 bit) 10 Mhz - - 1MB DRAM - - Integrated VGA Display adapter
    1.44MB capacity Floppy Disk - - PS/2 keyboard (no mouse)

  9. #9
    #&thj^% is offline I Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am
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    Aug 2016

    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    Quote Originally Posted by Drone4four View Post
    Ok it is time for me to come clean. I am not actually running Ubuntu. I am not even running another Linux distro with advanced package tool. I'm running Manjaro. I know you guys are going to kill me but please understand that the reason why I reached out here on the Ubuntu forums is that lightdm-gtk-greeter is a Xubuntu native project. See here:

    I was hoping that Ubuntu forum members might be able to lend their expertise to configuring lightdm which is a distro agnostic app which is maintained by Ubuntu-related developers.
    That just was a good thing to know beforehand, and I just don't know Manjaro, I know Arch very well though and it still uses the same recommends or suggestions Holgre and I have used ie:
    cd /usr/share/xsessions/ && ls
    So you may have to head over to the Manjaro forum. (Something is different with LightDM on Manjaro)

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: LightDM - Pruning / purging multiple unecessary WM options

    Without reading the source to lightdm (and / or the greeter in use - probably lightdm-gtk-greeter) very closely, I can only assume that lightdm reads some additional desktop files beyond those in /usr/share/xsessions/. I'd try something like
    find / -path /usr/share/applications -prune -o -path /usr/share/xsessions -prune -o -path $HOME/.local/share/applications -prune -o -iname '*.desktop'
    This should find any .desktop files outside the three locations given (we know there are desktop files there and they are not the ones we are after). That will still give a lot of false hits, but if there are desktop files which are responsible for the sessions you see, they should be among the results. Might want to either pipe this into less or sent error output to /dev/null for the sake of readability ...


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