Just for the record .. here is the link in docs referring to import *.odt. The trick is you need to create a TextFrame first in new Scribus instance (which might extend over many pages over length of document) then right click on TextFrame and follow instructions. Images are imported separately into ImageFrames. Therefore you can buid up content in a front end toolchain. I mentioned CherryTree and Zettlr earlier or in your case LibreOffice then pipe content (which might flow from one or several human sub-editors in a team (as in newspaper or magazine production) to Scribus which in turn pipes content to chosen print shop. The print shop will explain what settings are needed for the magazine printer. Check with print shops if they are Scribus compatible. Since Scribus *.sla is XML format you can further refine format using Python and Plugins.
Last edited by dragonfly41; August 20th, 2023 at 05:32 PM.
Originally Posted by dragonfly41 Just for the record… Thanks, but this is getting too complicated. The current method works fine: The Producer creates the ODT document in LibreOffice (from a template), exports it to PDF, and sends the PDF to the Printer. The Printer sends a proof for confirmation. Adding in Scribus with those extra steps is going to be a hassle. But thank you for the idea.
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