I mentioned mSATA as an option, instead of WWAN. It uses the same mini PCI slot. I did not say you had, one. But rather that you could use that slot for one. For example, the Lenovo I am writing this from:
mafoelffen@Mikes-ThinkPad-T520:~$ lsblk -e7 -o name,label,size,fstype,fsused,fsuse%,model,mountpoint
sda 1.8T Samsung SSD 870 QVO 2TB
├─sda1 {SYSTEM} 550M vfat 39.6M 7% /boot/efi
├─sda2 128M
├─sda3 {Windows} 900G ntfs
├─sda4 983M
├─sda5 30G
├─sda6 32G
│ └─swap swap 32G swap [SWAP]
├─sda7 bpool 2G zfs_member
├─sda8 rpool 500G zfs_member
└─sda9 hpool 397.4G zfs_member
sdb 1.8T Samsung SSD 870 QVO 2TB
├─sdb1 kpool 1000G zfs_member
└─sdb2 dpool 863G zfs_member
sdc 1.8T Dogfish SSD 2TB
└─sdc1 backups 1.5T zfs_member
In that output, /dev/sdb is an mSATA drive. That is 6TB of internal storage.
If you have a WWAN modem, the ModemManager service would control it, and the mmcli utility, which stands for Modemmanager Command Line interface would be what you used to get information from it. For example
...would either return information on the WWAN card, or tell you that no modem was found. If you do have a WWAN modem, that would show that. If it doesn't, not sure where that is coming from.